THAT FRENCH CHEMICAL CO EXPOSION? - Signs now it was terrorist attack : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


10/04/2001 - Updated 06:52 AM ET Toulouse explosion may have been a terrorist attack

PARIS (AP) — France's environment minister said Thursday that a Sept. 21 chemical plant blast that killed 29 people may have been a terrorist attack. Yves Cochet's comments came after revelations that a man found dead at the site in Toulouse was known to police for possible Islamic fundamentalist sympathies, and was involved in altercations before the blast with workers displaying the American flag in sympathy with victims of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


Interestingly.. the first report i saw on this incident specifically said it was THE French rocket fuel factory(was it Arianne rocket??) that was put out of action..Believe the source i saw this from was an Isreali one.. Subsequently.. most reports in western papers i saw just referred to a chemical plant.. Then later i saw reports that rocket fuel manufacturing was part of the complex at which the explosion occurred.. and was not involved in the explosion.. but had been shut down as part in the general commotion..

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

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