PC tips

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Open A Site In A New Microsoft Internet Explorer Window

We were recently asked if there is an easy way to open a link in a new window. There is -- just hold down Shift while you click on the link. This will open the link in a new (small) window. If you'd prefer not to deal with the smaller window, you can press Ctrl + N to open a new window and then click the link.

- Sue Whitehouse

THE DEFINITIVE DEFRAG Use this system utility to make your machine run faster. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.her.6.403.g0u

Change folder background**********

Brandon from New Washington, Indiana wants to change the color of the background in his folders. I get tired of the white background, too.

Just open the folder you want to customize. Right-click and select "Customize this Folder." Check the box next to Change Background color. It also asks if you want to change the icon text. Do it.

That's about it.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

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