this is wierd : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

OK... Try this one, but you have to be pretty good at Microsoft Word. Here are the best step by steps I can think of: 1. Open Word 2. Increase the font size to something large, like 48. 3. In all Caps, type in Q33NYC (Someone "told" me this was a flight number for one of the airlines. The NYC is self explanatory) 4. Highlight Q33NYC and thengo up and change the font to WINGDINGS. You WON'T believe what it changes to on your screen!

-- Washngo (, October 03, 2001


omigawd. What are the chances that would work that way??!!!!

Would you please crosspost this over at the Community Zero boards when they're up and running again, Wash? WOW!!!!

-- editrix (, October 05, 2001.

Someone must've taken a while to figure that one out. Bizarro!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, October 06, 2001.

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