MISSING - Tanker truck, spurs search, alert to Terrorism Task Force

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Missing tanker truck spurs search, alert to Terrorism Task Force

By Brian D. Crecente, News Staff Writer

Sheriffs' deputies are scouring Arapahoe County in search of a missing tanker truck capable of spraying 5,000 gallons of liquid along city streets, officials said Tuesday.

Deputies also alerted the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force about the missing tanker because of its potential for misuse by terrorists, said Arapahoe County Undersheriff Grayson Robinson.

"Although we don't have any reason to believe this is why it was stolen, there is a potential use for this vehicle as a means of attack," he said.

The tanker, which is equipped with spray nozzles typically used to wet down dirt roads, disappeared sometime between Friday evening and Monday morning from a construction site at 22098 E. Dorado Ave., Robinson said.

Robinson said the truck, which is a bit larger than a commercial dump truck, was not locked up behind a fence because it is so large and is more difficult to drive than a typical vehicle.

He said the Sheriff's Department put out a description of the large yellow tanker with the words "Fiore and Sons" printed on its side and intially assigned eight deputies to search for it.

"We are devoting more effort to this search because of the potential," he said.

Anyone who knows anything about the theft should call the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department, (303) 795-4711.

October 3, 2001

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2001


Every since I read about the terrorists using trucks, I have been "waiting" to hear of another 'tragedy" , God, I hope I am wrong.

I will be going to my dad's next week, and have to go over a bridge.....there is no other way but over the bridge. I hope my Angels'wings are strong that day! I hate bridges on a good day, so now I really don't want to have to go over them.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2001

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