timing of vcd

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hi, it might be a stupid question, but could you tell me how much of the movie (in minutes) i could burn on 800 mb cd-r, mpg1 and mpg2. and how much space i should leave for closing the session.


-- vlasto janevik (vjanevik@yahoo.com), October 03, 2001


Are these the 90 minute CD-Rs? The general rule is that at VCD bit rates, you get 1 minute of recording time per 1 minute of space on the CD-R, so you could get 90 minutes of VCD video on a 90 minute CD-R. SVCD offers a little less than half the recording space. You could probably get around 42 minutes at video bit rates close to 2600 Mbps. In both cases, you can get more space if you drop the bit rate. I have successfully burned a 50 minute SVCD to a 90 minute blank CD-R. I think the bit rate was around 2300 Mbps, but I don't remember for sure. It might have been 2200. I don't know how much space you need to leave to close the session. I can tell you that in my experience you can not overburn a 90 minute CD-R at all. You can overburn 74 minute and 80 minute CD-Rs and get at least one and a half extra minutes out of these discs, but you can't get more than 90 minutes out of a 90 minute blank. Be sure that you are not exceeding the capacity because your burn will fail if you do. It may be almost impossible to tell if you are exceeding the capacity, so you may just have to make your best guess and hope for the best.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), October 04, 2001.

Failing that you can probably move on to a 99-minute CD-R. These are recognizable only by certain very specific CD-R drives and s/w, and are reliably readable only by the around the same limited number of players. But why bother? DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW are now here to stay. If, for example general DVD-R media fall to US$5 or less apiece (they are currently US$10 each, and only in bulk), DVD-RW and DVD+RW slug each other out for dominance (which can only make the drives cheaper), and Hori finally makes a dedicated TMPGenc plug-in for Premiere, then we'll now talk DVD and may even necessarily have to change this to the DVD forum :)

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), October 07, 2001.

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