Saying : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Just wanted to pop my furry head up and say hi to everyone...I've been around a bit more recently....even went into VP and caught up with CarteBlanche... The ferret is doing ok...lots of know me, just love those docs!... big HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG my friends....
-- gobbles (, October 03, 2001
hi hi hi hi!!!!Sorry I missed you, little ferret!
Um, when the Community Zero boards open up again (they're updating the software right now), join in the discussion about where and what we want to do for chat software. Looks like VP (at least free and at Excite) will close very very soon now.
-- editrix (, October 05, 2001.
Nice to see your furry head popping up there! LOL!!! Hope you get to take a few minutes and come chat with all of us before the chat is shut down. We all miss your little ferret self.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, October 06, 2001.
A quick hiya to you....
-- Gmackly (, October 12, 2001.