Leica M4P - frameline selector not engaging masks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Having followed this superbly informative and very high quality forum for many months I would now like to post my first question.

I have been using various M's for many years and have just purchased a near perfect M4P. It is in amazing condition and works beautifully except that the brightline frames are 'stuck' on the 35/135.

The lever moves freely as does the actuating tab in the lens mount, the return spring is also working. It seems the connection between the mechanism and the brightline masks is defective - with such an immaculate example I am loath to have the topplate removed - are there any possible ways around this?

Many thanks Giles

-- Giles Poilu (giles@monpoilu.icom43.net), October 03, 2001


I have exactly the same problem with a M6, and today spoke with the repair technician. this is fairly easily fixed by a Leica tech, they have tools that only they can use to take the top plate off. It does not take much of a "bump" to dislodge the mechanism and the result is 35/135 stays up regardless of the selector. Especially if the camera was at a particular position when the bump occurred. this does not mean a drop, by any means, only a bump. So I am having mine fixed, the technician has only recently returned from der Faterland, and will have it ready, plus CLA in about 2 weeks, (his backlog from being away) cheers, P Nelson

-- Paul Nelson (clrfarm@comswest.net.au), October 03, 2001.

No, the top plate has to come off.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), October 04, 2001.

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