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CAN SPAM IN FIVE EASY STEPS Protect your inbox from unwanted email. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.4.3u1.g0uFBI NAMES TOP 20 COMPUTER RISKS List names security holes in Windows and Unix most often exploited by hackers. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.12.3u8.g0u
Icons, icons, icons**********
Ronnie called from Sulfur Springs, Texas wanting to find a great source for icons. I have two favorite websites for icons.
Icon Factory: http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.20.3ug.g0u
Icon Parade: http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.21.3uh.g0u
Dotico: http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.22.3ui.g0u
IconShop: http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.gpf.23.3uj.g0u
GAMES FROM THE PAST Play your favorite '70s and '80s arcade games online. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h2w.5.3wh.g0u
CREATIVE CAMS Discover cool ways you can use your netcam. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h2w.6.3wi.g0u
TURN WAVS INTO MP3S MusicMatch Jukebox makes file conversion easy. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h2w.7.3wj.g0u
LASSO ICONS Use a lasso to select and move several icons at once. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h2w.8.3wk.g0u
Nimda is here, and it's considered one of the most dangerous viruses ever (actually, it's a worm). At any rate, you'll want to find out as much about Nimda as you can. Ignore the rumors. The best approach is to visit one of the reputable anti-virus sites and read all about it.
We recommend that you begin with Symantec. Click here! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.nimda.a@mm.html
- Sue Whitehouse
INSTALL A MOTHERBOARD Patrick Norton's step-by-step guide to installing a new mobo. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.1.3ww.g0u
CLUBS YOU SHOULD NEVER JOIN Martin looks at the saddest Yahoo Clubs of all time. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.2.3wx.g0u
SITES OF THE NITE Scott Herriott shows you the joys of toe analysis and bovine catapulting. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.3.3wy.g0u
DOWNLOAD OF THE DAY Pixture Studio lets you customize your desktop in PC, Mac and Linux. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.4.3wz.g0u
STAR TECH Jessica Corbin takes you on a virtual trip with NASA, Martha Stewart, and more. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.5.3x0.g0u
SOUP UP YOUR VINTAGE COMPUTER Know your limits before you install a 40GB hard drive in an old computer running Windows 3.1. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.6.3x1.g0u
FRIDGE PICTURE CAPTION CONTEST Post your funniest caption for this week's contest. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.7.3x2.g0u
AVOID SPREADING EMAIL HOAXES AND VIRUSES Find out how to avoid being the unwitting spreader of an email hoax or virus. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.8.3x3.g0u
WILL THE W3C DESTROY THE WEB? The W3C is trying to pass a policy that will enable reasonable and nondiscriminatory fees for Web-standard products http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.9.3x4.g0u
SEND US YOUR RANDOM THOUGHTS We'll read the most interesting comment at the end of each show. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.h3g.10.3th.g0u
-- Anonymous, October 03, 2001