I'm gonna HUFF, I'm gonna PUFF, I'm gonna BLOOOOOW your house down!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Dubya is doing a lot of huffing and puffing, but a lot more bluffing than blowing. He is showing so-called "conclusive evidence" to other countries, who will believe whatever we tell them, but not to the Taliban, the target of the accusations and retaliatory attacks. THEY are the only ones who can turn over Bin Laden, which what he SAYS he wants! But then he keeps saying "Make no mistake about it, we won't negotiate". So what the HELL is he waiting for then? We have huge forces waiting in the region and Dubya says "they are ready, they will make us proud." So when are the bombers going in? Why the stalling? It makes us look weak!

-- (let's get @ this. party started), October 02, 2001


It's the goddamm liberals and their antiwar protests of course. Dubya is pretending that he is actually giving it some thought just to make them feel warm and fuzzy. He doesn't care if they are idiots, if it gets him a few more votes in 2004 he is willing to postpone the slaughter for a few more days.

-- libs are idiots (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), October 02, 2001.

What are you talking about, 2004? We don't have elections anymore. The judges of the supreme court will select the next resident. Bill Clinton was our last ELECTED President.

-- Get your facts straight (Your vote doesnt count@here.com), October 03, 2001.

He says the hate us for our freedom, hates our democratic way of life all all the things it stands for.

Such as having evedence submitted when someone is accused of a crime. They said they would turn him over if they saw evedence. He says we have it. Why not show them and see if they do turn him over?

They might even throw in his troops. That would save lives and money.

It would cost those in the business of providing supplies for war a profit, but unless profit comes before human lives (it already comes before saftey and the enviroment), they will have to keep on selling their war toys under the table and on the sly like they have been doing the past 10 - 20 years

-- Cherri (jessam6@home.com), October 03, 2001.

This libs are idiots person takes the cake as the most braindead amongst the dead.

It is a War, no, It is a Crime, no, It is Tragic Event, no, It is Over and say hello to your new Dictator,,,Junior BirdMan.

-- (goget@clue.net), October 03, 2001.


So far attempts have focused on trying to force the Taliban to hand the Saudi-born fugitive over. Afghan sources say such an approach will never work. A professional who works on both sides of the front line said: "Bin Laden is much more powerful than the Taliban.

"Even if they wanted to give him up they couldn't. For the past two or three years he has been the most powerful man in the country." Testimony from other commanders serving with the Northern Alliance supports the claim.

They say bin Laden's fighters now form the backbone of the Taliban's fighting force and he calls the shots.

-- Paul Harvey (rest of@the story.com), October 03, 2001.

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