Why do you think these attacks happened?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I just ran across this interview with Noah Chomsky in which he was asked why he thought the attacks happened. Pay attention to the items relating to the CIA and our numerous previous involvements with terror.In case you don't know who Chomsky is, here's more information.
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001
I'm afraid this note puts me off:The Chomsky Archive is now graciously hosted by ZNet, a major Left site and home of Z Magazine on the web.
I used to be a hippie (on weekends) and I remember how and why people on the "Left" think and act as they do. If we're so bad, how come bin Laden didn't sue us in the World Court in the Hague? This, by the way, is what the Lefties want us to do with bin Laden.
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001
OK, I give up. What about the CIA stuff? More leftist propaganda?
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001
Gordon, you know how I feel. I'm not going to get into a pointless discussion with you. You have your view, I have mine. I agree to disagree.
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001