[ot/war] Does God answer prayers?

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This is a serious question. Does God answer prayers? I don't talk to the big guy upstairs that much, but over the past couple of years have found myself having a few conversations with him. Anyway, Thursday and Friday nights, I asked God to guide me as to what I should do in regards to my family under these dire circumstances. Do I prep for the "end times", do I just keep on keeping on? I asked him to guide me and let me know.

Last night, I awoke from a dream at around 3am. My dream went something like this. A sheep (of all things...) knocked at the door and wanted me to follow him as he wanted to show me something. As I followed, the trees started to die, the grass started to die. The sheep started to lose the wool, then the skin and meat fell from its body.

I awoke with the images burned into my mind. Could this be the answer? Did God answer my prayer? What it means I have no idea, but to me it didn't seem to good.


-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001


Well, I'm not very good at dream analysis, but one thing sure leapt out at me. . .it was a SHEEP who wanted you to see some things. If the dream was of significance, then my take on it would be "Don't follow the Sheep(le)"! That's what I, in my unstudied and unlightened frame of mind would take it to mean. Dunno. . .

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Sheeple, what a strange coincidence that you chose that handle, and now have a dream of being led, like a sheep, through destruction. Yes, I do believe that "God" does answer prayers. I use the term in quotation marks like that because God is many things to many people. Of course Christians think they have the one and only God, but so do many other religions, including those we ofter call pagan, or primitive.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter, since they all agree that there *is* a God, of some sort, who guides our ways. But no necessarily in the way we think he will, or according to the path we want to tread. If you are willing to receive hints, insights, and enlightenment, you can get answers to prayers. If you are asking for some personal gift or personal need, it will probably not be forthcoming.

As far as that dream, I am no expert on dreams. But it does seem to be a type of prophesy, or vision, of the coming future according to the way we are going about things now. In other words, if we keep at the Muslim radicals in the way we are now planning to do, we will likely harvest the future you were just shown. Further, and this is my own opinion, it will depend on people willing to be led, like sheep, by those who are making the final plans this very minute.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

It could also mean that lots of sheep are going to die from scrapie.

If I'm hearing voices, it means that someone's left a radio on somewhere. . . .

Having said that, I've never known God to give me advice in "daily" activities. I was "led" to my present profession. That was quite clear. Beyond that, I have to depend on logic and the opinions of others.

I would say that there is nothing wrong with keeping a pantry going and some sort of back up for each city service on which you depend -- back-up heat, back-up light, etc. How much you do beyond that depends on your funds and the degree of danger you and your household feels you're most likely to face. If your best estimate of the threats includes toxins, then by all means, get a gas mask. You get the idea.

I'm sure there are some folks on this board who hear "leadings" a lot better than I do.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Meemur, if you ask God for a message, and then try to deny the message because it upsets you, then it's really a wasted prayer. Does scrapie cause the flesh to fall off the bones of the sheep? Does it kill the trees and grass? Anybody that doesn't like to receive visions should never ask for them. Some visions are to test our strength and awaken us to the way we are walking our path in life.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Sheeps..we have a dream forum at IC..and when someone posts a dream, anyone who "has a feel" for what it might mean, justs right in!!!

In the mean time...Dan found this link called...Freaky Dreams..several of us have used it, and it does a fairly good interpretation...or at least gives you something to think about.

hope this link works!

Freaky Dreams

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Sheeps, perhaps it means everything in your life has changed, as it has for most of us. Consider the sheep might be you, your subconscious, trying to tell your conscious self that nothing looks the same way and you might as well get used to it--and you've changed too, might as well get used to that. The sooner, the better.

None of us sees the world quite as beautiful as it was before September 11. Just as a beautiful building can disappear in a cloud of dust, so can a lovely tree suddenly wither and die; someone going to work can die in an instant, just as a sheep can become bones in seconds.

I think it's a positive dream, reminding you not to ignore beauty and good things--they may not be there a minute from now. I.e., don't take anything--or anyone--for granted. (Not that you do, but your subsconscious could fear that you might and then you'll regret not paying more attention to something if it disappears.) Living where you do means you're more sensitive than most to what happened in the attacks.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Sheeps, this is weird...I had just put a post up about a dream(?) I had, to someone else who had the same one. It had to do with quakes. And right after that I came over here to see your question on a dream you had. May I ask you if you felt in your dream that you were here or in another country? Could the sheep also be called a lamb? Just wondering.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001


My dream had to do with going to work in the morning [unusual since I work nights] in my car, and leaving work to find my car was a different one, my car was wrecked and this different one was similar but very basic, no adusting the colume onthe radio, or the station, and the car was covered with plastic panels to make it look like my car, but underneath it was all dented and smashed in.

Leaving work the road was not the same, it was very narrow, with cars parked all along the side haphazardly, instead of the four lane highway it should have been.

Never reached home, I woke up instead. was awake for an hour before getting back to sleep.

I am supposed to be on day shift this week because of jury duty, but I don't have to report today, so should be at work, but someone didn't wake me this morning, and here I sit wondering where my car is and how I am supposed to get to work...

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001


The dream had the feeling that it was here in the Heartland of the USA. I saw things familiar to me. Overall, I was left with a sadness, but no fear.

Whatever comes, I walk with my head held high and alert. I cannot change the action of others (the terrorists), but I'll be damned if I let them make me crawl under my bed to hide.

Sept. 11th was like deja vous to me, as I watched the towers fall I was thinking I had seen it before. Strange. I do have deja vous quite frequently and really wanted to put this one out there in the FWIW category.


Would you mind if I posted my dream on IC?

Gordon and Brooke,

I did find it quite ironic that it was a sheep that led me on my journey. If it hadn't been a sheep, I'm not sure if I would have connected it to my asking the higher entity what the future holds.

Who knows, it may have been my "over reactive" imagination kicked in overtime. Only time will tell.


-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Sheeple, don't write it off to overactive imagination. In times gone by people were much more tuned in to having visions, dreams. In order to become a medicine man/woman in many cultures the person has to be able to connect to the "other side" where God, or whatever you want to believe is there, will send you valid messages about your life and the probable future. Since you know you have gifts in this area just accept it, ponder it, ask others as you have done here. But don't doubt it. Doubt will destroy the channel.

As Old Git said, we are struggling to adjust to a new reality at this point in time. Try to get comfortable with whatever the message is leading you to. It's OK to feel sad. After all, we humans have really blown our most recent opportunity to live together peacefully. The Mayans, and others, say there have been many worlds before this one. Each time we get the chance to build something fine. Sometimes we fail, then start over, from scratch. Perhaps your dream suggests a start from scratch again.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Of course you can post it at IC..as I said, we have some "Arm chair" interperters...that sometimes really give us insight we hadn't thought of!

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001


I tried to register there, but so far I haven't gotten back my e-mail telling me the next step. If you wish, you can copy it and paste it there. I'll be able to read it and all the replies (if any) that are given to it.



-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Sheeps, I went over to IC and read SAR's good reply to your post. I'm sure there will be others as well who will reply, if they haven't already.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2001

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