Q: Are expanded police powers needed to ensure U.S. security?

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Q: Are expanded police powers needed to ensure U.S. security?

Long pro and con arguments

The worst thing about homeland-defense measures is that they are planned to be permanent. This belies impassioned rhetoric about winning the war against terrorism. If we really intended to wipe out terrorists, police measures would be temporary. Their permanence reassures our enemies that this is a phony war, because they can enjoy themselves while doing us harm indefinitely. It tells the American people that never again will we be able to live in the free, open, trusting, confident manner that had set the United States apart from the world.


-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001


Response to Q: Are expanded police powers needed to ensure U.S. security?

Yep, Brent, that's where I think we are headed. When the "settlers" first came to these shores they were trying to get away from the Kingships and dictatorial leaderships in both governments, and the churches, of Europe, Britain, etc. This resulted in a revolution, and a Constitution. For a time we had a lot of liberties, personal freedoms. Slowly, that has been changing, more dramatically in the years since WWII. Where next? I wonder.......

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

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