Kinoptik : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Have Kinoptik lenses been discussed here? I'm especially interested in the 75 f/2.0. I assume they will work in stop down mode on Leicaflexes.

-- Bud (, September 29, 2001


To answer my own question, I got a price list from Karl Heitz...whew!

If people believe that Cosina provides 97% of the performance of Leica for 25% of the cost, wait until they get a load of Kinoptik prices:-)

-- Bud (, October 01, 2001.


Can you enlighten us about Kinoptik? Thanks

-- Robin Smith (, October 01, 2001.

This is a French company that's made lenses for Bolex, Alpa and the motion picture industry.

They make lenses in T-mount that work on manual focus cameras. Their lenses are supposed to be all APO's including four that are macro lenses. Karl Heitz is the importer into the U.S. Prices seem to range from about $2,600 to $4,000 and more.

Karl Heitz claim they have a lifetime guarantee but who knows what that means.

I was a bit interested in their 75mm f/2.0 APO macro until I saw the prices.

Incidentally, the 75 is supposed to be an APO lens at Infinity but perhaps not at other distances.

-- Bud (, October 01, 2001.

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