Felix Trinidad & Bernard Hopkins FIGHT TONIGHT

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Usual gang coming over tonite to watch on PPV. Taquitos, shrimp & beer. Wish you could all be here.

My bucks are on Hopkins. Any takers?

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), September 29, 2001


Only elitist scum have PPV.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 29, 2001.

Psst, psst. Pirate boxes available for $300. Don't tell anybody.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), September 29, 2001.

I'm sorry Carlos, but my oath of office requires me to report you. I am shocked!

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 29, 2001.

Lars would that be the office of U.S. Gigolo?

-- (not@tellin.), September 29, 2001.

Just a Gigolo (stanza 4)

There will come a day

youth will pass away

then what will they say about me

When the end comes I know

they'll say just a gigolo as

life goes on without me..

-- (Louis Prima@Las.Vegas), September 29, 2001.

Boxing is the most rigged sport of all. If you have mob connections you can make a bundle, but otherwise you might as well be watching the WWF.

-- (it will be over @ before. you finish your first taquito), September 29, 2001.

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