the weekend elephant : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

This is catagorized under "preps".

Since we're told that "something" will happen, that it is only a question of when and where, some thought should be given to immediate safety in case of a nuclear event.

Pretend it'll happen within the next 72 hours. Read Cresson Kearny's book online and consider making a small "safe" area in or near your home. If you don't have room to actually set it up, then plan what you will use and maybe try to stack it accordingly just see if it works and how long it takes.

The most immediate concern (you're not at blast pressure, you're subject to fallout downwind) is keeping dust from entering your air supply. This isn't very hard to do.

It took me a while to realize what all the diagrams were showing regarding airflow. Basically you need to have a covered space for air intake, and even plastic sheeting will do in a pinch. At the bottom of the space you need an air barrier, and again plastic sheeting can be rigged to force airflow UP and OVER your plastic lower barrier.

Think of it this way: climb into your bathtub and run the hot water with your shower curtains closed. When the air inside your bathtub space is warm, put the shower curtain OUTSIDE the bathtub and flare it away from the side of the tub at one point and feel how cooler air is coming OVER the side of the bathtub. (The bathtub is not the shelter, Carl, this is just an illustration of airflow.)

If dust were in the air, most of it would not rise over the side of the bathtub. Dust would be deposited outside the bathtub on the floor.

This is temporary and quick shelter planning, not long term. READ the book. Look at Kearny's diagrams.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001


Okay, I down-loaded the book onto CD ROM and am working through a chapter at a time. I admit that I'm a little spooked by some of the predictions that have been posted in various places about problems this weekend. I'm not pooh-poohing anyone's efforts at soothsaying, but why this weekend? Why not Monday, the 1st? Or the 10th?

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

ok, I admit it..I ahve only had time to "scim" through things.....

I have NOT had time to get to that book, is to be done this weekend.

sooo... what is supposed to happened this week-end???

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

SAR, we seem to be in a 2 week period when something MIGHT start to happen. Maybe.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

SAR, this is part of it:


-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

I was feeling pretty good until I read that...

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

Oh no! Not the tummy! Anything but the tummy!!!

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

I think I liked it better when I was too busy to stop and read those threads!!! I went out and gave extra loving to the "boys" in case anything happens and they'd have to be humanely.....well, you know. brought all kitties in from where ever I had them. I have company coming tomorrow.....maybe!!!!!

I never thought of myself as a quitter..but I am so close to saying I QUIT! I can't live in fear all the rest of my life. Part of me says ok, at least I GI so i am more prepared then joeDGI..but the other part what I can, and if that isn't enough... it is a good day to kiss my A$$ goodbye!

I think I am just so overwhelmed with "feelings" that I can't even begin to decipher... so i send out prayers and healing energies and pray someone is doing the same for me and mine!

I am trying to figure out what is an air intake in this house.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

SAR, like the people in Ireland and mainland Britain (and Israel), you will get used to it. It will become second nature to alert everyone around you to a suspicious package. You will report suspicious behavior when previously you would have considered it only peculiar. You will avoid large crowds unless there is plenty of security at the event. It's a strain, God knows it's a strain. But, just like we got used to the thought of Y2K, so we will get used to this.

Get some potassium iodide for you guys, the kitties and the boys! Your vet will tell you how much to give the larger animals.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

I know I said I hoped something would come up to keep me from jury duty, but that isn't what I meant! dammit!

Also, I think the analogy of women's skirts and farts would get thru to Carl much more than a bath tub and a curtain, unless Brittany Spears is in there. Or some other foxy babe.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

It is now 12:06 pm EDT. As far as I know, there haven't been any terrorist attacks in the US this weekend. I'm now seeing predictions that "things" will happen in 48 hours.

I think SAR has the right idea. One can get really paranoid reading threads like that in public forums. It'll happen when it happens IF it happens. Best we can do is be as prepared as possible and keep our eyes open, I think.

Back to reading about fallout. . . . .

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

The problem with the current 48 hours scenario is that it takes away the advantage of night time. Full moon, you know.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Neat site

Current moon phase, virtual

Updates every four hours. Also at the site, the phase of the Moon for any date and time, 1800-2199 A.D.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Thanks! Thanks! I've been looking for that site!

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

Oh! Welcome! Welcome! LOL! Happy to be of service, Meems.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001

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