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Drain Pipes

Replacing the drain pipes under the kitchen or bathroom sink is easy enough once you figure out that the old pipes can't be used anymore. The problem with plumbing is that things corrode and get gunked up and end up being replaced, even though they seem OK when you start the job. Just take the old parts to the store and get the right size for replacements the first time. Don't rely on your memory, because when you're standing in front of 50 bins of little parts, they'll all look similar to what you think you need.

When reassembling, leave the slip joint connections loose until everything is lined up, then go back and tighten things up. Tightening the connections by hand and then snugging with a wrench is usually tight enough.

- Stephen Corwin

How Could You Make Do? Examine your home, and in your mind, figure out how you could make do in an emergency. Can you be resourceful enough to get through any kind of crisis? It's good to think this through ahead and put together a first-aid kit and other emergency items - just in case. For example, if your house has no electricity, could you use the fireplace or camping gear for cooking or for heat?

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

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