CLINTON - Hypocrite (really???) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
usnews.comFriday, September 28, 2001
Will Clinton save the house former slaves built?
Preservationists want Bill Clinton to save an 1890s historic freight depot on the Little Rock, Ark., grounds of his future library. The building, built by former slaves, is in impeccable condition and part of the historic train station and bridge Clinton has vowed to preserve. But his library team says it's too late to incorporate the depot into his shrine plans. They want to tear it down. "Phooey," say preservationists, who cite a document stating that one of the foundation's primary goals is preservation. It doesn't go unnoticed that the president, often called by supportive African-Americans America's "first black president," is pushing to destroy one of the state's first black-built structures. Preservationists want Clinton to tour the depot when he returns to Little Rock next week. His office says that a tour is not on Clinton's schedule.
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001