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THE INGREDIENTS OF A 3D EFFECT Look at these videos and images to see how various elements are put together to make a 3D effect. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.2.3i6.g0uRECONNECT YOUR BROADBAND A little-known Windows utility could help when you lose your connection to the Internet. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.3.3i7.g0u
KILL 'CLIPPIE' Rid yourself of the annoying Office assistant once and for all. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.4.3i8.g0u
SITE OF THE NITE Scott Herriott shows you where to get online dream interpretations. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.5.3i9.g0u
DOWNLOAD OF THE DAY Download the flag for your desktop. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.6.3ia.g0u
MARTIN'S LIST Martin looks at some ways you shouldn't want to spend your time. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.7.3ib.g0u
PULSE DIAL IN WINDOWS ME Learn how to use modem commands to be able to get online on older phone systems. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.8.3ic.g0u
INTERNET LAW Should the Internet have its own legal standards? http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.9.3id.g0u
Elsewhere on TechTV: SHOULD WE FEAR BIOTERRORISM? Do terrorists have the means and the know- how to produce catastrophic biological weapons? http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.fa2.12.3ig.g0u
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001