A letter from Iceland

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

This is a copy of a letter that a friend of mine received from her son who is a combat pilot in the AF. I don't think she would mind me sharing it. She has already sent copies to many friends and family. He has seen action before in the Balkans and in the Middle East.

Something is definitely happening.


Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 Subject: On a journey!

> Hello All, > I am leaving Iceland today. Our first stop was in > Ohio. After that, we headed for Goose Bay, Canada, then > on to here, Iceland. > > Yes, it is cold. > > We are leaving in about > 20 minutes. > > As you know, I can not tell you where my final > destination is. Everything is VERY secretive and must > remain that way. Once it is released, if ever, I will > tell you where I am at. > > So far, the jets are doing well. No big problems. > Everyone's spirits are high. We got to see the O'Reilly > factor yesterday and watched him rip apart the professor > from the Texas school who was quoted as saying, "The > terrorist attacks on the US are no where near as bad as > the terror the US has inflicted on the rest of the world > over the past two decades." I now love the O'Reilly > Factor. He verbally cleaned the guy's clock. > > It is great to see all the support from home. Keep it > up. It seems for every anti-war demonstration, there > are 10 demonstrations to support us. Don't let that > stop. > > Take care,

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 27, 2001


There was a raghead Osama

who spelled "Koran" with a comma

he done messed with the best,

Allah sent him a test---

Now he wanna hug from his mama

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 27, 2001.

Hey you da dude who used to make up rhymes. A? Or Ra? You $R Ra. Aint ya?

-- (safe@sound.freedonm), September 28, 2001.

God bless, flyboy

-- (Neville Chamberlain @ never.again), September 28, 2001.

The same letter, reformatted--


Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 Subject: On a journey!

Hello All,

I am leaving Iceland today. Our first stop was in Ohio. After that, we headed for Goose Bay, Canada, then on to here, Iceland. Yes, it is cold. We are leaving in about 20 minutes.

As you know, I can not tell you where my final destination is. Everything is VERY secretive and must remain that way. Once it is released, if ever, I will tell you where I am at.

So far, the jets are doing well. No big problems. Everyone's spirits are high. We got to see the O'Reilly Factor yesterday and watched him rip apart the professor from the Texas school who was quoted as saying, "The terrorist attacks on the US are no where near as bad as the terror the US has inflicted on the rest of the world over the past two decades." I now love the O'Reilly Factor. He verbally cleaned the guy's clock.

It is great to see all the support from home. Keep it up. It seems for every anti-war demonstration, there are 10 demonstrations to support us. Don't let that stop.

Take care,

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 28, 2001.

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