The narrator of The Cask of Amontillado : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Why is the narrator of The Amontillado unreliable and what was his mental state 50 years later when he told the story??? Please reply ASAP


-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001


The narrator unfortunately is the murderer and there seems a slightly insane disconnect between his state at the time of the event and his seemingly urbane, detached, sterilized conscience during the recounting.It is the narration a rationalized, coldblooded account of a horrible crime that lends this story its special double layer of horror. It begins witht he usual self-justification and degrading of the victim, with an air of almost nostalgic reminiscence about minor things. Conscience denied though the memory is clear.

When committing the crime itself the character was consistently, clever, malicious and charming. Montressor at that time starts to lose it(while the narrator calmly recites the fact)when actually walling up Fortunato, madly singing and shouting to drown out the screams. "My heart grew sick- on account of the dampness." Reinterpretation and denial of his feelings.

Compare to the poem "My Last Duchess" by R. Browning?

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

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