Md. Tornadoes Damage Estimates: $30 Million : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Md. Tornadoes Damage Estimates: $30M

By Associated Press

September 27, 2001, 5:17 AM EDT

COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Damage from tornadoes that killed two students on the University of Maryland campus and left more than 1,000 people homeless could exceed $30 million, according to preliminary estimates.

The total is likely to qualify the state for federal disaster assistance once the estimates are confirmed, said Michael Morrill, a spokesman for Gov. Parris N. Glendening.

The university estimated $15 million in damage, said spokesman George Cathcart. Four residential buildings were badly damaged.

"We're refugees, moving from place to place," said Chris Shaw, 22, a senior from Danvers, Mass.

A campus parking lot where more than 600 cars were damaged was cleared Wednesday, Cathcart said. Most of the damaged vehicles were moved to the rear.

In the surrounding areas of Prince George's County, the estimate of the damage was $16.5 million, county fire spokesman Chauncey Bowers said.

There was no estimate available from Howard County, where dozens of homes were condemned.

A total of 861 homes, 560 vehicles and 23 businesses in Prince George's County were damaged Monday when two twisters touched down about 10 minutes apart, Bowers said.

Two sisters were killed on campus when their car was thrown 300 yards by wind that reached more than 200 mph. A volunteer firefighter also died after assisting with rescue efforts. Copyright © 2001, The Associated Press

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001

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