[ot] Question RE National ID cardsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
All,Early this morning hubby and I were watching a little bit of Fox News. Anyway, scrolling down along the bottom, said that the government was thinking about reissuing National ID cards, the first time since WWII. Granted, I wasn't born then so I really don't know if they were issued then. I never heard of my mother or grandmother speaking of them either. They did tell me about the rationing.
Does anyone know for sure if they were issued then?
Somehow, I have a very bad feeling about them.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
I don't see why they need another card. The ones we have should be sufficient. Maybe they could make a sticker that goes on the back of the driver license, like they do for renewal, and that can have the thumbprint on it. And no mailing the sticker. Have to go to a station to get it, that way the photo can be compared, and anyone with a false ID would be nabbed. if they stupidly went in there, that is.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
I will be going on a personal campaign of letter writing, phoning, etc., if this Nat'l ID stuff becomes more than just talk. I'm not an activist, normally, but I feel strongly that the Nat'l ID, as well as putting social security numbers on driver licenses is a poor idea.Why?
1)A Nat'l ID is helpful for facist governments to keep track of individual citizens.
2) So much data available in one place on individuals makes ID thief (and other mischief) more tempting. Remember the old saw: "An open door may tempt a saint."
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
In regards to having social security numbers on driver licenses, a person has a choice of not having theirs put on. I know this because I chose not to.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
Maggie, while you have that choice right now, if we go to personal ID cards you will be required to do whatever the "law" says you must. Any time any government makes a decision to control its citizens, and if the majority of the citizens agree (at least initially) then all must comply, or suffer the consequences. Threats, such as terrorism, are the perfect catalyst for clamping down on civil liberties.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
Maggie,NOW is the time to be writing those letters. I don't like the idea of the national id one bit! If enough people contact their congress critters maybe we can put a stop to this.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
Actually, national IDs is the least form of intrusion. How about *implanted* ID chips? The Mark Of The Beast prophesies say that will be coming too, under the NWO that is to be put in place to deal with world wide disorder, terrorism, financial failures, etc. Oh lovely!
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
Gordon,But they have to start somewhere....
I'm just glad per Brooke's post that they have nixed the idea.
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001
When I said a person had a choice of not having their social security number on their drivers license, it was just a helpful hint for any that might not know that.
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001