Unk, Deano, and other Floridians. What's the scoop on this?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
This is not the FIRST article I've read about Florida, and I have a few executive orders to present, but I must find them first.Are the Sunshine laws gone?
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 26, 2001
Florida National GuardMy questions might include whether ANY Floridians questioned the timing of the first executive order, which was executed on September 7, 2001, four days before the terrorist attacks, and whether y'all are seeing anything different since these two orders have been executed.
Thanks in advance for any input.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 26, 2001.
AnitaI think this all boils down to anything and everything that might have to do with the terrorists bombings (flight schools, crop dusters, etc..) is falling under the FBI umbrella and, therefore, exempt from the Sunshine law. They say it (the Sunshine law) may go away, but I don't think it would make any difference in this investigation since it's federal and not state.
I haven't noticed any difference, FWIW.
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), September 26, 2001.