Does Truth Serum Work? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Sodium pentathol, that sort of compound. If so, I think we should consider using it on some of these suspicious individuals.

Of course there is the formidable legal hurdle, against self incrimination, but that was put in the Constitution to protect against morally unacceptable means of forcing confessions, such as torture. Truth serum would seem to belong in a totally different category.

I may not know what I'm talking about here.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001


Truth serum is ancient history. Getting someone to talk is now an art form. There are many techniques used that would make the average citizen cringe. Whatever they do to those captured suspects they can do to you, if you cross their path. Be careful when you support interrogation technology. It has a way of escaping from the bag. Anyway, I think you can be sure they *will* get information from those arrested, regardless of civil liberties. In fact, as this matter goes into ever deeper conflicts, you can kiss liberty goodbye.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001


I'm not sure if Sodium pentathol really works at getting one to open up to questions, however I can say the following....

My husband cannot have surgery where they would administer sodium pentathol period. If it were a life vs death situation, he would have to have the surgery performed vis .mil doctors with TPTB in the room just in case he started flapping his gums.

Again, that is just for what it is worth.


-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

Gordon, I am well aware that there are interrogation techniques that would make me cringe. Truth serum is not in this category, hence my interest.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

the constitution is for citizens. they are not, from what I have been reading.

they may have some rights, but in this case I would avoid considering them prisoners of war, and more like illegals.

I doubt the citizens would care much as long as we got the information we needed. Until afterwards, of course.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

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