How to create loopback VCD using NEro 5.5 or vcdimager1.0 ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I need to create a continuous playing VCD with loopback mode. I tried both NERo VCDImager. Is there someone who knows how to do it? Can I do it by modifying xml file created by VCDImager?

Please help



-- S.Varadarajan (, September 26, 2001


It can't be done with Nero. I have never used VCDImager so I can't help you with it. I-Author can do it if you can find a copy of it. I-Author is usually used to make SVCDs, but it can also be used for VCDs. I-Author is usually available at warez or cracker sites for video programs. Good luck.

-- Jason (, September 26, 2001.

It can be done all you need to do is start up a new Video 1 file thing and then drag accross a image file that has been created in Nero or a .mpg or .avi file. then click on File > write cd > burn! Walla there you go a new VCD!

-- Gary Lilley (, April 17, 2004.

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