PlayGoat Magazine - Taliban's leading : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Carl, don't you mean their leading pubication.(Sheesh, isn't there a filter on this program???)
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
I make it a rule not to open Carl's threads. And if I happen to open one accidentally, well, I certainly don't read them.I have a friend who has some llamas. She says she had to give one of them to the zoo because he tended to spit "with unerring accuracy" and had the uncanny ability to hawk on the most important guest. Like the American ambassador.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Oh for SHAME!
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Well, she couldn't keep him, Helen, no way. They frequently entertain VIPs and, although the US Ambassador thought it was very funny, another one--say, the French Ambassador--might not.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
another one--say, the French Ambassador--might not. Only if his wife was around....I heard at work that osama brags he can deepthroat a giraffe. Not sure if this is the terrorist or someone who works there. Also not sure exactly what was meant, as in who receives. but, I was on meds at the time and just shrugged it off.
Strange night at work. People seemed to be staying 'within themselves' for the most part.
-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001