CLINTON - Yaks away : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Clinton Yaks Away

It was an inspiring image of national unity: Ex-presidents Ford, Carter, Bush père and Clinton, along with Al Gore, gathered at the National Cathedral on the Friday after the start of the war, showing their solidarity with the current President Bush, who delivered an inspiring address before heading for ground zero in New York. All these men have, properly, faded into the background--all, that is, but Bill Clinton, who even at a time like this can't seem to control his pathetic hunger for attention. The Los Angeles Times reports on the ex-president's cameo appearance at a press conference by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani:

Clinton's recent reemergence has caused some tension. After one of Giuliani's news conferences, Clinton lingered for about 10 minutes to answer reporters' questions. Twice, a Giuliani spokeswoman shouted at reporters to end the questioning, but Clinton continued answering. At one point, Giuliani's spokeswoman told [Clinton spokeswoman Julia] Payne: "My boss is waiting."

Dennis Foley, ombudsman for the Orange County (Calif.) Register, reports that more than 100 readers complained about a front-page photo that appeared in the paper after the National Cathedral service:

"I never was so disgusted in my life with this paper by the fact that it would print on the front page that picture of (former President Bill) Clinton and his wife and daughter," a typical caller said. "You can hardly see President Bush and his wife."

One woman said she would "cancel my paper if you ever run Clinton's picture again, unless it accompanies his obituary."

These are surely gross overreactions. As Foley writes: "The Clintons were present because Bush, in the spirit of national unity, provided the plane that brought them. It's sad that some people believe that Register editors would use the tragedy and national day of mourning to promote a partisan agenda. It's sadder that some probably believe it still." Still, at a time like this, the ex-president would be well advised to behave in a tasteful manner.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001


One woman said she would "cancel my paper if you ever run Clinton's picture again, unless it accompanies his obituary."

Okay, which one of you was it?


Off to work. heavy rains here, and plenty of wind and lightning. Pray for me as I take a shower...

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

"Pray for me as I take a shower." My God, for a nonreligious forum, we sure do have some weird religious practices.

I noticed on the video of Clinton defending his missile-up-the-camel's-butt operation, the camera person chose the worst possible angle vis a vis The Nose. It looked just like a cartoonist's caricature, made W. C. Fields' schnoz look like a pert little number.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

I noticed on the video of Clinton defending his missile-up-the- camel's-butt operation, the camera person chose the worst possible angle vis a vis The Nose. It looked just like a cartoonist's caricature, made W. C. Fields' schnoz look like a pert little number.

Oh! Need to find my reading glasses! LOL

At first glance, I thought it said pert little MEMBER . . .

I read somewhere he's got a teeny one. . . [snicker]

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001


-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

heheheeh I heard that too!!!!! geeze he gets around!!!!

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

I am SORELY tempted to throw in a flaming male chauvinist remark here.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

As I recall, it was described as undersized and bent to the left.

no doubt it got caught in a door or desk drawer, or something...

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

Hey Sam! Good to see ya'!

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

I caught a brief glimpse of it on TV tonight. It was quite swollen and there appeared to be some sort of large pimple or something on the end of it. His nose, dammit, his NOSE. So maybe it wasn't just the camera angle. That will teach him to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. So to speak.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

See? I told ya!

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

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