Big Relay! Coming Soon!!! : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Of all the big relays in Scandinavia, the one that is least known and appreciated in the New World is the one being run this weekend: 25-manna. It's the total club relay race, with teams of 25 going out over 10 legs. On 5 of the legs 4 runners go out a t a time, and the next leg can't start until all 4 are back from the preceding leg. There are rules concerning team composition too (age, sex, frequency) so it's quite impossible for a club to win unless it's well rounded and deep.

-- Swampfox (, September 25, 2001


Check out the 25-manna web page at:

-- Michael (, September 25, 2001.

Look for Magnus and Sanna Wallenborg to have good runs at 25-manna. Magnus is running the seventh leg (4.3 km) for IF Thor's first team. Sanna is running the third leg (3.8 km) for IF Thor's second team.

-- Michael (, September 26, 2001.


-- J-J (, October 01, 2001.

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