'Not A Dry Eye In The House"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I’m not easily brought to tears. A few things come to mind: IRS audits, watching Hillary Clinton on TV, and snagging the lizard when zipping-up.But I have to tell you that watching Lee Greenwood singing “I’m proud to be an American” grabs me big-time, every time. I will make sure to have a video of his performance this weekend at Yankee Stadium and play it over and over as a reminder of how damn lucky I am to be an American.
-- So (cr@t.es), September 24, 2001
We're all lucky to be an American until you become the next victim of a crime that prevents you from defending yourself. I wasn't proud to be an American for the past 10 years, I was embarrassed to be one. I haven't recovered from the past 10 years, and I've only had 8 months of the new beginning. The episodes of the past 2 weeks are built on emotions, and the next 12 months better kick some ass! If it doesn't kick ass, we're doomed.
-- (don'ttreadonme@don'tdoit.ump), September 24, 2001.
Well, it sure don't take much to keep you rednecks happy. Dumbya was banking on that. I'm sure he'd like to shake your hand and thank you in person. Maybe you'll even get the smirk or a "good-ole-boy" wink.
-- (welcome to the club @ of. dimwitted americans), September 25, 2001.
Proud to be an American?If you were born here, how can you be proud to be an American? It's not like you had any choice or input in the matter! It's like being proud of your eye color. Since you didn't do anything to earn or deserve that eye color, what's the point in being proud of it?
Now I can see being proud of being an American if you had to work and study and sweat to become an American. Becoming an American, when you were born somewhere else, is a real accomplishment. But what kind of a person is proud of something they didn't do?
Frankly, I was born here and I don't feel proud to be an American. But I do feel very, very lucky. I feel like I won the birth lottery. America is a great country. But being an American for me is a birth right, not something earned.
-- (anonymous@coward.J), September 25, 2001.