BREAKING - Looks like 12 other planes had hijackers abord : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

This is a summary of what Rita Cosby just reported on Fox News

Cosby reports that it is a common courtesy to permit pilots from other airlines to sit in the jump seat in the cockpit. Accordining to Cosby's sources, 12 Middleastern male pilots were in the cockpits of planes grounded immediately after the attacks, some of which were taxiing down the runway for takeoff. Apparently, the pilots, like the one arrested in Minnesota, were not competent to take over a plane at takeoff, but rather only knew how to fly horizontally. Had it not been for the immediate groundings, Cosby says, it appears the attacks would have been more widespread and devastating. The men have not yet been identified

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001


Holy Sh*t! ! That is one practise that needs to stop - allowing pilots of other airlines in the cockpit.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Yep, and right now, too. If this is part of the 'plan', it wouldn't really matter if the cockpit doors are secure. And. . .it wouldn't really matter if there were accomplices in the back, either. The rogue pilot could shoot/stun/knife the regular crew and take over, and it might be a 'while' before the flight attendants or passengers realized things were not right. The potential for things to go wrong (passengers overtaking the terrorists) in the hijacking are minimized that way.

Ya', that perk needs to go by the way side.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Cosby later reported that at least one of the attack planes had a "guest" pilot in the jump seat. I'm sure this practice was stopped before planes were allowed back in the air. Another item Cosby reported is that beside pilot uniforms and ID, cockpit keys were also stolen. The keys are interchangeable--one key opens all other cockpit doors. Aaaaargh! What is the point of having a key if. . . Sheesh! I expect locks are being changed as we speak.

Strikes me that the pilots would have reported those guests as soon as they knew about the WTC incident. From what I remember, they were only told they were grounded, not why. Good thing, cause we might have lost a lot of pilots who suddenly turned around and stared at their guest. Anyway, they're only just now releasing the information.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

I have never heard of this...why is it just now coming to light...this is very scary to think about..

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

I'm sure "they" wanted to question the flight crews first, SAR, see if they could get any identifying information from them. It's possible that they did actually get some useful info which might have resulted in them finding one or more of the men. Of course, they wouldn't tell us if they did. Anyway, whatever info they got has been used now so they can tell us about it.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

One news report after 9-11 events, was about the detention of a man who was wearing a phony pilots uniform in an airport. It was said the material wasn't the same as other I read this and 1+1=2. Old Git, your post is really an eye opener, thanks for the info. This would also explain why the pilots want to carry guns in the cock pit now.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

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