Got your gas mask? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Those of you who scoffed at Colloidal Silver might want to take a second look at it. I make it and use it, and it works, as well as Food Grade h202 (not the drugstore variety) and medical ozone. They are all effective for treating a wide variety of bio toxins, and they're cheap.(except for ozone)You might want to start looking for gas mask as well; they are said to be sold out on the east coast. I tried all week to get one/some for a friend, no luck.
Food Grade h202 is probably the easiest to come by from a health food store, and you want to get 35%.
The protocol used is 7 drops in a glas of water at least 3 x a day on an empty stomach. 1 hr before eating, or 2 hrs after. Add one drop each day until you reach 20-25 drops, and then go back to 15 and hold. Having a second glass of water to chase the first is important, because you do NOT want to taste it.
If you do a search on h202 ozone lots of stuff comes up.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 23, 2001
KoFE, I'm not making fun of you, but why would you need a gas mask? To be truly effective it would have to go wherever you go, and hauling it around would be a drag. You would also be attracting unwanted attention by hauling it around. Besides that, how do you know when to put it on and more importantly, take it back off? And how do you know if it's effective against specific agents such as weaponized anthrax or sarin gas?
-- helen (questions@more.questions), September 23, 2001.
It might be effective against specific IRS agents.
-- KOFE (tax@cheating.scum), September 23, 2001.
Hydrogen peroxide and arithmetic KoFE.Medicinal peroxide is 3% (10 volume) and both handy for wound cleaning and diluted by half is recommended to clean that scum off your teeth and tounge before your dentist appointment. The Clairol hair stuff is 6%. 35% will oxidize flesh or make pretty good low grade rocket fuel compliment. Prefered KMnO3 as a kid cause I could get it.
At the USP standard of 20 drops per mililiter your initial dilution (7 drops) in a standard 8oz (240ml) glass of water would work out to a concentration of .04% H2O2. Your max of 25 drops works out to .14%.
Think about it man. It's nonsense.
-- Carlos (, September 23, 2001.
Yep, still got one. The filter cartridges are a couple years old though. Do those things go bad after a while or are they still good if the seal ain't broken? How long can you use each filter before it needs to tossed?
-- thanks in advance (anthrax is @ some. nasty shit), September 23, 2001.
Sunday September 23 11:36 PM ET
Crop Dusters Grounded in FBI Probe
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a step stemming from the FBI (news - web sites)'s terrorist attack probe, the U.S. government Sunday grounded crop-dusting planes across the country for the day.
It was the second time that agricultural pilots have been told not to fly since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Responding to questions about the latest grounding, the FBI said that it was one of the steps the bureau has taken out of ``an abundance of caution'' and ``in reaction to every bit of information and threats received during the course of this investigation.''
James Callan, executive director of the National Agricultural Aviation Association, said he got a call from a Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) official about 8 o'clock Sunday morning.
``They said it was a national security issue,'' said Callan. ``I made some calls and the indication was that there still is no specific threat, but the FBI apparently ordered this and they just want to make sure that everyone in the ag aviation industry is keeping their eyes and ears open.''
Three Middle Eastern men inquired about crop-duster planes during visits earlier this year to a single-runway airport in Belle Glade, Fla., The Washington Post reported Sunday night on its Web site. One of the men has since been identified as Mohamed Atta, believed to be one of the suicide hijackers in the terrorist attacks.
The Post also reported that government investigators found a manual on crop-dusters among the possessions of Zacarias Moussaoui, who currently is in federal custody.
FAA spokesman Scott Brenner said ``the intelligence community came to us and encouraged us to shut down the crop dusters.''
A notice on the crop dusters' Internet Web site stated, ``Ag Aviators prohibited to fly on Sunday 23!''
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld outlined the potential threat on CBC's ``Face The Nation,'' saying that countries sponsoring terrorism have ``very active chemical and biological warfare programs.''
``We know that they are in close contact with terrorist networks around the world,'' he said.
Crop dusters also were grounded Sept. 16 and for the past week have been barred from flying over metropolitan areas, with some exceptions. The crop dusters were grounded along with all other civilian aircraft after the attacks, with flights resuming Sept. 14.
Callan said there are probably about 3,500 agricultural aviators and that this is a crucial time of the year for aerial spraying of crops.
As the FBI's probe continued, agents in a Dallas suburb arrested a Palestinian whose name turned up in the address book of a former personal secretary to suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden (news - web sites).
Ghassan Dahduli is appealing an immigration court deportation ruling for obtaining a work visa through fraud, FBI spokeswoman Lori Bailey said. Dahduli's name surfaced in records introduced at this year's trial of Wadih el Hage, who worked as personal secretary to bin Laden. El Hage and three other bin Laden associates were convicted of conspiring to murder Americans.
-- watch out for dust storms (keeping @ mask. in the car), September 24, 2001.
To prepare or not to prepare, that is the question.Helen, I'm sure the people in New York would have liked to have had one. The dust from the buildings contained asbestos and some other junk. They are still dealing with the dust. And if there had been bio weapons in those planes, it would have been common sense to put one on until you can leave the area. I live just outside of Wash. DC. There is a high alert here. If you listen to the radio, surely you've heard that the whole country is on alert.
On the other hand, you are correct. You almost can't prepare for an unseen event. But It can't hurt to have one in the trunk.
Carlos, you need to re-read my post. I said 35% food grade, not the drug store variety. This is just a tip I wanted to pass along to those who might want to be in charge of their own life.
This is partly what I was referring to the other day, about how the public is disinformed. And on purpose as well, because the success of these substances are well known.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 24, 2001.
Just one crop duster flying over LA could probably wipe out most of the people if the wind was right. I remember a couple of months ago how the dust from China drifted over the entire Western half of our country. For several days it was like we had smog, but we never have smog here normally.Anthrax is odorless, invisible, and a terrible way to die. It causes you to bleed your guts out from the inside out. The small supply of vaccine we have is probably already being used up by politicians and corporate elite. Get your guns loaded, and be ready to shoot down anything that looks like a cropduster or a skywriter unless it is flying over a farm.
-- (this could @ get. ugly), September 24, 2001.
Regarding H2O2, I'm beginning to see a suspicious, if not frightening, connection emerging here.Standard veterinary medicine manuals recommend Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) for inducing vomiting in dogs that have eaten something they shouldn't have. Since using this treatment on my dog some time ago, however, I have noticed some disquieting symptoms: (1) since drinking the H2O2, the dog has failed to file a single Federal tax return, and (2) when attempting to talk, the dog seems to generate only random syllables, which frequently do not make since.
I do not know if H2O2 is entirely responsible for this condition – but it would explain a lot if it was. Be warned!!!
-- E.H.Porter (, September 24, 2001.
You're right porter, it doesn't make "since".
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 24, 2001.
Take two aspirins, and call me in the morning...Warning - Nothing works against the Russian engineered "superbug".
Signs and Symptoms: Incubation period is 1-6 days. Fever, malaise, fatigue, cough and mild chest discomfort is followed by severe respiratory distress with dyspnea, diaphoresis, stridor, and cyanosis. Shock and death occurs within 24-36 hours after onset of severe symptoms.
Diagnosis: Physical findings are non-specific. A widened mediastinum may be seen on CXR. Detectable by Gram stain of the blood and by blood culture late in the course of illness.
Treatment: Although effectiveness may be limited after symptoms are present, high dose antibiotic treatment with penicillin, ciprofloxacin, or doxycycline should be undertaken. Supportive therapy may be necessary.
Prophylaxis: An FDA licensed vaccine is available. Vaccine schedule is 0.5 ml SC at 0, 2, 4 weeks, then 6, 12, and 18 months for the primary series, followed by annual boosters. Oral ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for known or imminent exposure.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard precautions for healthcare workers. After an invasive procedure or autopsy is performed, the instruments and area used should be thoroughly disinfected with a sporicidal agent (chlorine).
Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of Anthrax, is a rod-shaped, gram-positive, sporulating organism with the spores constituting the usual infective form. Anthrax is primarily a zoonotic disease of herbivores, with cattle, sheep and horses being the usual domesticated animal hosts, but other animals may be infected. Human disease may be contracted by handling contaminated hair, wool, hides, flesh, blood and excreta of infected animals and from manufactured products such as bone meal, as well as by purposeful dissemination of spores. Infection is introduced through scratches or abrasions of the skin, wounds, inhalation of spores, eating insufficiently cooked infected meat, or by flies. All human populations are susceptible. Recovery from an attack of the disease may be followed by immunity. The spores are very stable and may remain viable for many years in soil and water. They will resist sunlight for varying periods.
Anthrax spores were "weaponized" by the United States in the 1950's and 1960's before the old U.S. offensive program was terminated. Other countries have weaponized this agent or are suspected of doing so. The anthrax bacterium is easy to cultivate and spore production is readily induced. Spores are highly resistant to sunlight, heat and disinfectants - properties which could be advantageous when choosing a bacterial weapon. Iraq admitted to a United Nations inspection team in August of 1991 that it had performed research on the offensive use of B. anthracis prior to the Persian Gulf War of 1991, and in 1995 Iraq admitted to weaponizing anthrax. This agent could be produced in either a wet or dried form, stabilized for weaponization by an adversary and delivered as an aerosol cloud either from a line source such as an aircraft flying upwind of friendly positions, or as a point source from a spray device. Coverage of a large ground area could also be theoretically facilitated by multiple spray bomblets disseminated from a missile warhead at a predetermined height above the ground.
Anthrax presents as three distinct clinical syndromes in an: cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal disease. The cutaneous form (also referred to as malignant pustule) occurs most frequently on the hands and forearms of persons working with infected livestock. It begins with a papule followed by formation of a blister-like fluid-filled vesicle. The vesicle typically dries and forms a coal-black scab, hence the term anthrax (Greek for coal). Sometimes this local infection will develop into a systemic infection which is often fatal. Endemic inhalational anthrax, known as "Woolsorters" disease, is a rare infection contracted by inhalation of the spores. It occurs mainly among workers handling infected hides, wool, and furs. The intestinal form, which is also very rare in man, is contracted by the ingestion of insufficiently cooked meat from infected animals. In man, the mortality of untreated cutaneous anthrax ranges up to 25 per cent; in inhalational and intestinal cases, the case fatality rate is almost 100 percent.
After an incubation period of 1-6 days, presumably dependent upon the dose and strain of inhaled organisms, the onset of inhalation anthrax is gradual and nonspecific. Fever, malaise, and fatigue may be present, sometimes in association with a nonproductive cough and mild chest discomfort. These initial symptoms are often followed by a short period of improvement (hours to 2-3 days), followed by the abrupt development of severe respiratory distress with dyspnea, diaphoresis, stridor, and cyanosis. Shock and death usually follow within 24-36 hours after the onset of respiratory distress. Toxin production parallels the appearance of bacilli in the blood and tests are available to rapidly detect the toxin. Concurrently with the appearance of anthrax, the WBC count becomes elevated and remains so until death.Just so we all know what we're talking about, here...
Almost all inhalational anthrax cases in which treatment was begun after patients were significantly symptomatic have been fatal, regardless of treatment. Penicillin has been regarded as the treatment of choice, with 2 million units given intravenously every 2 hours. Tetracyclines and erythromycin have been recommended in penicillin allergic patients.
Standard Precautions should be practiced. After an invasive procedure or autopsy, the instruments and area used should be thoroughly disinfected with a sporicidal agent. Iodine can be used, but must be used at disinfectant strengths, as antiseptic-strength iodophors are not usually sporicidal. Chlorine, in the form of sodium or calcium hypochlorite, can also be used, but with the caution that the activity of hypochlorites is greatly reduced in the presence of organic material.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 24, 2001.
-- helen (oh@oh.oh), September 24, 2001.
yeah. the po' man's nuke.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 24, 2001.
"Just so we all know what we are talking about here"NOTHING but aerobic bacteria stands up to ozone and other forms of hyper-oxygen. Delivery is the deciding factor.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 25, 2001.
Save your money. Gas masks won't help you in a chemical or biological attack. If you want to buy one anyway check out this site. At least here you can buy respiratory hoods and suits, which are designed for chemical or biological agents. Think about what the people at the CDC wear when they are handling that stuff...that's what you'll need folks.
-- gas man (, September 25, 2001.
The idea for "Captain Trips", the superbug that escaped from the secret Army bio-weapon site and wiped out 99% of the world in Stephen King's The Stand, was based on Anthrax.What a wonderful world we do live in - Tom Clancy and Stephen King can no longer keep up with reality.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), September 25, 2001.
Aerobic, anaerobic, who cares? You seem to be missing the essential point here...these are "spores" (nature's little Kevlar armored capsules) that can live for years in soil and water. The weaponized versions will get thru your HerbaLife drenched, ozone saturated body like a gamma ray goes thru a goose. But go ahead and buy all that stuff anyway, it's very good for the economy, I think.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 25, 2001.
You really are asleep at the wheel. You don't have clue of what I'm talking about. This is precisely why this country is doomed. Dumb, brainwashed, assholes jumping to conclusions, and regurgitating sit-com dribble...
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 25, 2001.
"The weaponized versions will get thru your HerbaLife drenched, ozone saturated body like a gamma ray goes thru a goose."Not true of biological spores, they need to be breathed in through respiratory system to enter the bloodstream. If they land on your clothes or skin they can be wiped off without any harm.
There are very few types of chemicals that could kill by contact with the skin, and if these were sprayed they would only affect those who came into direct contact with significant amounts on the skin. Not likely to be effective unless people are walking around nude.
The biological spores like anthrax or smallpox however, could remain suspended in the air for some time and easily inhaled by those without masks. Most would not find out until it is too late, but if there were reports of such an attack in the western part of the country for example, many to the east could be saved by donning a mask as the spores drifted into their area.
-- (never hurts @ to. be prepared), September 25, 2001.
Oh, how totally absurd...Look, KoFE, about your assertion: You really are asleep at the wheel. You don't have clue of what I'm talking about. This is precisely why this country is doomed. Dumb, brainwashed, assholes jumping to conclusions, and regurgitating sit-com dribble...
I spent seven years as an RN (that's a registered nurse), I know my aerobes from my anaerobes, and I know you obviously don't have a clue about hybrid weaponized bugs, and that really, really shows, ya know?
Here's what they told me during Desert Storm (and I not only had an EXCELLENT gas mask, but a full MOPP suit and an M1A1 Abrams tank with a state of the art nuclear/biological/chemical positive-pressure air filtration system to protect me): "Any area contaminated by biologicals (such as weaponized anthrax spores) is land "denied" for future use either offensively or defensively, for at least a decade, to combatants from either side. If you should find yourself in such an area leave the area immediately. Report to the nearest NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) decontamination center for quarantine." (And we were also told: say your prayers and kiss your unfortunate ass goodbye.)
How is a gas mask going to protect you for ten years? How is it going to keeep persistant spores carried by the wind, or in the water supply, from getting you in 2010? You survivalist people are such sadly deluded'll clutch at even the most absurd hopes.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 25, 2001.
Oh, Zzzzz -- don't worry overmuch about KoFE. He's this forum's secular version of Al-d. He doesn't believe anything anyone tells him, unless of course he reads it on the internet. Anything he reads on the Internet is obviously true.KoFE's favorite themes are: 1. There is no law requiring you to file an income tax return. 2. Drinking ground up silver particles and hydrogen peroxide is good for your health. 3. The government is well aware of (1) and (2) above, but "rogue elements" in the government(presumably influenced by the anti- hydrogen peroxide lobby)are keeping these vital truths from you.
Funniest of all, KoFE sees himself as "a patriot." What can you say – with patriots like this, who needs traitors? At least Benedict Arnold did something for his country before he betrayed it. But, perhaps I'm being a little harsh here. KoFE's probably never betrayed (or assisted) his country or anything else. He's really just "a parrot." He plays "snip kiddy" and cuts and pastes whattever the latest conspiracy theory on the internet may be.
-- E.H.Porter (, September 25, 2001.
Oh, and it can get in through cuts, scrapes, the eyes, water you drink, etc. You don't have to inhale it, tho it's preferred that you do, if you don't wish to suffer any longer than necessary before you die. If you actually read my Anthrax info (above, from the web site) you'd see it's also very easily transmitted by infected flies and other insects (which act as vectors) to just about every surface they (and then you) touch.Just go buy your silly crap, and dream on, in blissful ignorance.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 25, 2001.
Thanks for the heads up, E.H.I won't waste any more breath on this survivalist pollyanna. He's stimulating the economy with his worthless purchases, so it just goes to show you: nobody is totally without some redeeming value.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 25, 2001.
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 25, 2001.
Ohhh Zzzzzz, don't get so upset just because you don't have a mask. I'll sell you one of mine for $150.
-- (lol@die.sucker), September 25, 2001.
Actually, I take that back. I just checked Ebay and they are selling for about $250. Since I like you, I'll give you a discount. $225, you pay shipping.
-- (lol@die.fools), September 25, 2001.
Any time, Zzzz -- by the way, however, you've got to watch your terminology here. KoFE is not a "survivalist pollyanna." He may or may not be a survivalist doomer. But, this forum is a third generation descendant of the Y2K wars, which pitted the "doomers" against the "pollies." And all who even witnessed the Y2K wars know that the phrase "survivalist pollyanna" is a true oxymoron.Run an internet search on the term "pollyanna." It comes from a child's fiction novel in which the major character (a little girl named Pollyana) dealt with every disaster that she encountered by playing the "glad game," and trying to find something happy about it. Pollyana has gone from children's literature to a metaphor for unreasonable optimism. During the Y2K period, the pollies were so called because they (quite correctly) kept saying that there was no catastrophe in the works, that the power grid would stay up, that the Y2K bug was not that hard to fix, etc.
Just thought you might like to know that your terminology is a little flawed in this area. One thing KoFE never does is play the "glad game" The real (fictional) Pollyanna would kick him in the nuts and tell him to get happy. Now.
-- E.H.Porter (, September 26, 2001.
LOL...well, no, I did not know any of that, and it sure explains a few things. I thank you kindly for the info and the clarification. I stand corrected. Pollies and doomers...I know the origin of Pollyana, of course, and to be honest I didn't feel that it was the word I really wanted, even as I typed it. I just pulled it out of my butt to begin with, I guess, cuz I was flustrated and too busy to care, so I used it anyway. Who knew?
Now I have to wonder if I'm a doomer because I think KoFE is nuts to think his little rubber mask is going to protect him (I'm sure if he ever gets a chance to test it he won't be bring us back any reports, in other words) or if KoFE is indeed a closet polli for thinking that it will?
I was already pretty busy wondering if I should buy stock in a couple gas mask making companies, and ride the wave to prosperity on the backs and bucks of guys just like KoFE. So much to do, so little time, you know...
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 26, 2001.
It seems the risk is less than one might think.
From a letter in today's Wall Street Journal, 9/26/01:
"...studies showed that to be infectious via a pulmonary route, organisms like anthrax spores would have to be disbursed as aerosolized liquid droplets or dried particlesof a very restricted size range. If too large, they will not enter the lungs. If too small, they will not remain in the lungs...(and)...even if aerosols of the proper size are created, they have only a limited lifetime. They coalesce, they settle under gravity, and the water of which they are composed rapidly evaporates. The organisms within are also subject to biological decay (although less so for the resistant anthrax spore) from dehydration, and exposure to oxygen and sunlight. Their physical and biological effective lifetimes thus depend complexly on meteorological conditions such as relative humidity and wind velocity."
Peter Mazur
Research Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology
University of Tennessee
-- Eve (, September 26, 2001.
Actually, I find that term "survivalist pollyanna" intriguing. It does describe certain types of doomers who think that by hoarding and building bunkers that they will be able to have a good thing after the world goes to hell. They think they've found a silver lining in the dark clouds.
-- Buddy (, September 26, 2001.
Nah, I can't say that "survivalist pollyanna" is a term that will float. After all, the definition of a pollie is one that thinks things will continue more or less as they are on a more or less even keel, despite the occasional disaster or threat (such as the WTC terror strike).A such, a "survivalist pollyanna" would be a pollie who made sure on Friday that he or she had enough beer and chips for the weekend.
Nothing wrong with that (and it beats the hell out of running out of beer and chips on Sunday in a state such as Minnesota that does not sell beer on Sunday). But, I can't see it as a focus of identity for a large portion of the internet crowd.
-- E.H.Porter (, September 26, 2001.
"in a state such as Minnesota that does not sell beer on Sunday"Jeeezuz! On football Sunday? Talk about anti-American! Talk about terrorism!
No wonder they never won a Superbowl, they are traitors! (of course, the purple uniforms could also be a factor)
-- (jesseventura@is.a.communist), September 26, 2001.
Minnesotans came up with the designated driver idea, but it originally just meant someone who's job it is to drive to Wisconsin to get more beer.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), September 26, 2001.
"A such, a "survivalist pollyanna" would be a pollie who made sure on Friday that he or she had enough beer and chips for the weekend."Now it's OK for yall to refer to me as a polly.......;-)
-- Deano (, September 26, 2001.
Buddy has an interesting point. Not long after the incident on 9/11, people over on the TimeBomb were praising themselves for having "prepped." One even wanted to know where Flint was, presumably so he could do a "neener neener" on him. Dennis was practically gloating, as if somehow having 400 boxes of Hamburger Helper in his basement would help him better deal with jet planes crashing into buildings. I can definitely see a "polly" mentality there.
-- (what@i.think), September 26, 2001.
Just ignore the fact that I said medical ozone would effectively treat Anthrax, and to have a gas mask for a temporary measure. So, we now have a RN who knows nothing about an effective treatment, and a "lawyer" who can't understand his countrys' Constitution. My helpful suggestions were for those who can think for themselves, and do a little research on their own, not two arrogant, no nothing assholes. :-)
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 26, 2001.
I love you, KoFE
-- E.H.Porter (, September 26, 2001.
I love you, Porter. I love you, KoFE. I love you, Unk.
-- helen (lets@get.mushy), September 26, 2001.
Attacks are imminent. Word is that Bin Baby has trucks stationed around the country ready to blow the dust as soon as we attack the Taliban. This would be easier to get away with than the cropdusters. If they have some kind of cannon on those trucks, they could shoot a load above a city and detonate it, making a huge deadly cloud.This is probably why Dubya is holding back, can't find the bastards. They could be hiding anywhere in an old garage or barn or warehouse. The gubmint might have to start martial law and set up checkpoints to search every single vehicle on our roads, then start searching indoors.
If we so much as hurt a fly in Afghanistan, it could set off a chain reaction. I doubt Dubya will make a move unless he is willing to watch millions of Americans die. Sheeesh, we are being held hostage on our own turf.
If you have a gas mask, carry it with you at all times. If there is any word that we have attacked the Taliban, put it on immediately, as the dust could be flying within minutes.
-- (holy smokes @ we're. fucked), September 26, 2001.
I'm just gonna wad up kleenex and stuff them up my nose, and then put the boxes on my feet, like Howard Hughes used to do, myself; because I already know full well that even if I do survive the anthrax the Small Pox will surely soon be following close behind (if not before) I'm just doomed, and that's that...I just don't think I'll even bother to upgrade my kernel anymore, what's the point? Maybe Dennis could use some help finishing off all that Hamburger Helper...might as well be gorged on manna when I go...
-- Zzzzz (asleep@the.wheel), September 27, 2001.
To that goofy son of a bitch that said he would shoot any cropduster down that he saw flying other than over a farm, let me tell ya somethin. If I ever see anybody pointing a weapon at me while I'm GOING TO OR COMING FROM A FIELD I will personally open you up and air you out with a big prop and if that don't stop it I'll lash 2 SKS's to the end struts and give that a try. Pointing a 757 at a building is a hell of a lot easier than taking off a fully loaded Air Tractor 602 or an Ag Cat and landing it. Besides, most of us applicators have smeared pork sausage grease on the seats and stick grips so them diaper heads will think twice about stealing an ag plane. When they get close to pig shit they ain't got a chance of ending up in Allah land with 70 virgins.
-- Boswell (, September 27, 2001.
Where is the Chowbabe when you need her?Is it time to dress up in cheap holiday jewelry and go surveil my local Kmart under the guise of a baby corn or off-brand nut search?
-- flora (***@__._), September 27, 2001.
Boswell,Just make sure you turn off your dust spreaders everytime you leave your crops. If I see anything flying over a town, city, residential area, or anything other than crops, with dust or smoke coming out of it, I will shoot it down big time. I'd rather save my neighborhood and take my chances of accidentally killing some dumbass farmboy than to take a chance that you let some towel head steal your duster while you were out behind the barn humping the cow.
-- (Trigger@Happy.Henry), September 27, 2001.
Boswell, that reminds me of a funny story. The whole U.S. had a ban on flights, when this loser decided to crop dust his marijuana plants. Only he must have accidentally gotten some pesticide on his reefer, because what he ended up doing was beyond stupid.He started dive bombing houses in a rural area. He rushed at each house he flew over a number of time each. My friend in the emergency call center got a frantic call from a woman about this nut trying to crash into their house. In the background my friend could hear gunshots. The woman said her husband was trying to bring the plane down.
This went on a while. Deputies from different counties were trying to chase this guy on the ground. People started shooting at him everywhere he went. He finally landed at a small city air field a few miles away. He was ordered out of the plane by the cops, who had the FAA on the phone trying to get instructions as to what charges the guy was subject to.
The guy somehow got back into his plane and flew to another county, where more cops were waiting for him. The plane was riddled with small holes. My friend said an FAA cop told them that next time, don't bother with buckshot and make sure to lead the plane a bit before firing.
-- helen (true@story.i.swear), September 27, 2001.
Tell ya what Trigger Happy Henry. It's us dumb ass farm boys that's keeping food on the table for you and your family. It's not Corp. America or the big boys that turn over 25000 acres every year. It's Ma and Pa and the crew, the small fertilizer and chemical co. down the road, and the dedicated aerial applicators nation wide that crawl in that cockpit everyday at five am and eradicate the pestilance that would turn 70 bu. of wheat into 35 bu. or 2000lb. of peas or beans into 600lb. Those yields would feed populations back in the 20's but not today. And I don't want to hear one word from the nature nuts! Hunger does many things to mankind and one of them is it brings on appreciation and gratitude for what they have and now take for granted.
-- Boswell (, September 27, 2001.
Boswell,I didn't mean to imply that any farmer is a dumbass. I said I would shoot down any one who leaves his field with his dust still flowing, that's a dumbass.
A lot of us good ol' boys been cruising around in our pickups with guns just looking fer such a peculiarity. Better safe than sorry. It's real good target practice too, those things move a damn sight faster than a duck!
-- (Trigger@Happy.Henry), September 27, 2001.
Well Trigger, I'm one of them good ole boys cruisin around with magazines loaded lookin for a fight also. I've been in contact with the FBI and FAA and they've advised us to be on the look out for anything suspicious around our planes. Believe me there isn't a more patriotic bunch out here than these farm people I've grown up with. We did'nt have to come to town to buy flags cause we've had ours for years and been raising them to the top of the masts every morning.
-- Boswell (, September 27, 2001.
Well that's mighty white of ya there Boswell, by God you do sound like a true patriot!If ya wanna let us know what color and number ya got on your plane, we'll be extra careful to look out fer ya. I'll let my network of good 'ol boys know to make damn sure it's a towel head before we shoot it down. Happy trails, partner!
-- (Trigger@Happy.Henry), September 28, 2001.
Trigger Henry, the N number is 7983 and it is a Ag Cat Biplane yellow and gray. Round engine, not a turbine. Applicator down the road told me this morning that yesterday an olive skinned man was standing on his van taking video of his runway and hanger facilities. He called the cops and he was gone before they got there. We've got Dworshak Dam and Hanford both within one hour of our operations. Supposedly the FAA has asked some operators to make their planes unflyable.
-- Boswell (, September 28, 2001.
Thanks Boswell, we got ya covered, you ought to be easy to spot. I'll let the boys out around Idaho know about you. I'm sure you're being extra careful anyhow. If you stay near the farm you shouldn't have anything to worry about. We're patrolling the outskirts of the towns, primarily looking for any heading in low that might turn their dustblowers on.That Dworshak Dam is a biggun alright. There are so many potential targets there's no way to guard all of them without setting up SAMS all over the country, and then we are risking shooting down innocent aircraft that could just be having trouble, straying from their designated path. Communication will need to be top notch. Fly safe good buddy!
-- (Trigger@Happy.Henry), September 28, 2001.
Would do this in private KoFE if you had a good addy.h2o is a very unique molecule. A molecular weight of only 18 but very tough to boil considering. Reason is that it's very "polar". The 2 hydrogens are firmly bonded at a 162 degree angle leaving a strong polar moment at each end. They team up head to tail. Adding an O bonded only by polarity twixt the two H guys decreases that stability hence the lower boiling point of h2o2.
Here's the implication for "food grade". Given a molecule just this damned simple there isn't any room for isomers (different spatial configurations given the same atomic composition) or a racemic mix (mirror images) of h202. Hence, there is only one possible configuration of an h2o2 molecule. You seen one you seen 'em all.
Be well my friend.
-- Carlos (, September 29, 2001.