0.58 finder in classic M6

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm wondering about the feasibility/cost of fitting a TTL 0.58 viewfinder in a classic M6 - just the optics. Does that require replacement of the entire rangefinder assembly, or is it less complicated (i.e. frame masks + front/back viewfinder lenses)? Cost?

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), September 22, 2001


It can be done but it is not inexpensive. They have to change the whole viewfinder assembly including the eyepiece. I think it would cost around $600US to $800US.

Personally I would just buy a TTL. I like them much better than the classic M6. The larger shutter dial is a godsend.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), September 22, 2001.

John, given what Leicas cost in Italy (around US$2,700), I'd rather get a Hexar at that rate!

Thanks for the info.

-- rob (rob@robertappleby.com), September 22, 2001.

Rob, I was just in Florence, there were 2 stores there selling Leica and the prices were about the same as in the US, something like 3,700,000 lire.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), September 22, 2001.

Hong Kong is cheaper, I bought a M6 ttl @ HK$12,600, i.e. US$1,615 from an authorized dealer.

-- tom tong (tom.tong@ckh.com.hk), September 24, 2001.

Yes, absolutely just go and get the new M-6 TTL with 0.58 viewfinder. The shutter dial is great and the meter is improved. The viewfinder is brighter than the Hexar RF. Also it does not have the annoying 135mm frame. It's like having an M-2 with a meter and a 28mm frame (with a little left over so that you can imagine a 24mm frame, sort of).

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@pp.iij4u.or.jp), September 24, 2001.

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