Kuwait's Emir Suffers Brain Hemorrhag

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Kuwait's Emir Suffers Brain Hemorrhag By Associated Press

September 21, 2001, 7:02 AM EDT

KUWAIT -- Kuwait's ruling emir, Sheik Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah, has suffered a brain hemorrhage and will be flown to London for treatment, a source at the hospital where he is being treated said Friday.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Sheik Jaber was in stable condition and that a plane would fly him to London within a few hours.

Earlier, Kuwaiti television reported the emir was hospitalized Friday for "routine tests."

The state-run television quoted a brief statement from the emir's office saying he was "well and in good health." It did not elaborate.

Sheik Jaber, 75, has ruled the small, oil-rich state since 1977. Copyright © 2001, The Associated Press

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001

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