Is bin Laden the second coming of Jesus? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Is bin Laden the second coming of Jesus? Only this time, he seems to appear as the "anti-Christ", spreading hate instead of love. Is he the second-coming? Let's look at the facts:

1. He looks the part.

2. He is considered a holy man.

3. He is pitted against a formidable modern day "Roman Empire"

4. His "disciples" have died for his cause.

5. He is to be trapped, persecuted, villified, and executed as a detestable enemy of humanity.


-- Kybet Pass Kouch Potato (, September 20, 2001



-- dinosaur (, September 20, 2001.

6. He wears a turban.

7. He is rich instead of poor.

8. He will be martyred 2000 years after his nemesis.'

9. Osama Laden - Jesus Christ -- same number of letters.


-- this is spooky (revelation@st.john), September 20, 2001.

Not the numbers crap again. Please no.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, September 20, 2001.

I came to the same logical conclusion that Osama Ben Laden is the second coming of Christ. Christ said "I come with a sword." He was trying to say, "I come with a boxcutter," but they didn't have a word for it back then. Christ threw the money lenders out of the temple. The twin towers housed the greatest concentration of money-lenders and bond traders in the world. George Bush Sr. is the Anti-Christ and W is the Antichrist Jr. I have pinned a pretzel to the wall and pray to it hourly. There is hope.

-- Mark Burch (, January 14, 2002.

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