C'MON, YOU GUYS!!! - Help Beckie!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Beckie's been posting some good stuff from lucianne.com because I can't stop from getting hung up for some reason when I click on the whole articles. There are some really juicy reports over there and I'm thirsting to read them! Thanks, Beckie!

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001


I will try to post more later. Have to do some paid work right now :)

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

I've been in meetings most of the day. :(

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

Excuses, excuses. . . ;) I think the hang-ups have gone now.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

I am "hanging "here at currents..got to post one or 2 things..but it is taking for ever.... will keep trying.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

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