I have no problems with this forum but when I try to click on a link at Lucianne, things get hung up. I've also tried to access other news sites, independent of Lucianne, and the same thing is happening. I have to do Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out of it, and you know how we all hate that. Please tell me you all are having problems too. I can't handle hard drive problems right now!

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001


I would suggest you do a scan during your next nap. We don't need you having hard drive problems either!

Some sites are slow, or not reachable. Certain functions, like javascript, do hang up the last few days.

update your virus protection. Everyone!

These are not the days in which to ignore your systems when they may be your only link to important things that could save your life!

As if any days were...

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

Okay, yep, it's the javascript that's hanging. Good, not my hard drive then.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

Dan's work is down still... His bro at LockHeed martin sent out virus warning....we have been very dilegient with defrags, temp, histoiry, you name it..... it is worse then a public restroom out there!!!! if someone sends an att. I delete it ..if I get one with many forwards..GONE...close your preview window, also. can't remember why, but we have ours closed for over a yr.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

My computer at the office got hit pretty hard last night and today they are thoroughly checking it out to be sure it is ok. So I can't dial in to work. My computer here at home is fine (good firewall).

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

I use Netscape so am pretty safe. Sweetie's company network was down and Brooks called me yesterday to say she was still having problems at her office. Well, anyone who can get through to things without getting hung up, please post from!

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

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