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THE COMMUNITY softball league couldn't afford to pay umpires, so each team volunteered a member for the thankless task. When my first turn came, I was nervous -- ballplayers in our town had been rough on rookie umpires. "Play ball," I called, in what I hoped was a confident voice. The first pitch came hard and fast. "Strike one," I yelled. The next pitch was high, and I shouted, "Ball one." I thought this was going to be easy after all. Then I saw the pitcher walking toward me. "What did you call that pitch?" he asked. "A ball," I said. "It was high." The pitcher shook his head in disbelief. "Yeah," he replied, "but the batter swung and missed!" -- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Life In These United States" by Kenneth L. Gibble
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001