Jobo : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

Does the Jobo cpe have any advantages for film processing? Will the cpe ( not cpe plus) handle 4 rolls of film at once? I have heard that the motor is weaker on the older model; is this correct?

-- Melvin (, September 19, 2001


I'll tell you what I know. The newer CPE-2 plus does have a different motor than the old model CPE-2, probably stronger. The old model CPE-2 does not have the thermal cutout safety feature. This just means never turn the older model on unless the resevoir is filled with water. Will the older model drive a tank with four rolls? Yes.

I would hesitate to buy an older model, unless you know that the original owner didn't use it that much and it has a lot of wear left in it.

Call Jobo, their technical support can answer a lot of your questions. If you know the serial number of the machine your thinking of buying, they can tell you more about it.

Jobo 1-800-525-2821

-- Paul Swenson (, September 21, 2001.

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