Do we need a new catagory, Patriotism? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Just a thought. some of these threads don't really fall under the AOT header, ya know?


-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001


Nah, you know how I hate more categories. It's related to Acts of Terror in that acts of terror cauased the upsurge in patriotism. The only reason I called it Acts of Terror is so that the category would show up near the top of the alphabetized list. Otherwise, it would have been WTC or something. Anything to do with the WTC, patriotism, war, etc., goes in here.

I've sent an e-mail to Russ, BigDog, to see if he'll let me take over the old Y2K Preps forum. If not, maybe we ought to open up an unpassworded forum. In fact, why don't we go ahead and do that anyway? We need to gather in all the hints and advice we can. Suggestions for a name, please, bearing in mind we don't want to act as a lightning rod for the wackos. Maybe something very simple, like Disaster Preparations.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

Current Preps?

that way it stays near Currents on the list.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

Good idea: Current News - Preps. 'Sokay?

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

make it so.

[i love quoting star trek characters.]

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

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