By: Dorothy Anne Seese

Just when I think no one can be as repulsive as Hillary, Rosie O'Donnell or Barbra Streisand, along comes Madonna with her liberal tripe ... and pleas for "peace."

Another aging pop singer and wannabe political pundit opens her mouth and out pops stuff worse than her singing.

However, even amidst her pleas for peace and her moment of silence at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, it seems some of the 18,000 people in the crowd at least had some patrotism even if they lack any taste in selecting performers to watch. They began chanting "USA ... USA" in the auditorium. Good for them.

The "material girl" who is far from a girl's age now apparently found out that she didn't have a proper estimate of American resolve and bitterness toward the murderers of at least five thousand innocent Americans who were sent into eternity on September 11, 2001 in New York, Washington, D.C. and on the ground in Pennsylvania, as well as aboard airliners that were turned into suicide bombers.

Yet this "Madonna" had the nerve to say "violence begets violence" and to pray for peace. Can anyone really visualize Madonna praying? To what? Baal?

All right, Madonna, if violence begets violence, then was what happened to New York City and the victims still buried in the rubble violence? If so, then that begets violence, right? Your fans seem to have felt so. Our citizenry seems to feel that when one is in a war, one fights back.

Yet you state you want to live a "long and happy life" and have the same for your children. Babe, you know as much about terrorists and their determination to extinguish the free world as I do about astrophysics. So shut up already.

Oh that's right, you don't really live in the United States, do you? Well perhaps wherever you live, or plan to live, you will be safer than if you remained in the United States where the rest of us have to deal with the threats of more terrorism. Do you live in Switzerland now? Or is your real estate agent making plans for your move there?

It would be well if you and your Hollyweird counterparts did leave the country. We could use fewer liberal twits and "peace-lovers" making idiot statements during a wartime crisis that has claimed so many innocent lives, some of whom may have even paid out their hard-earned money to see one of your disgusting performances.

With citizens like Madonna, we could all use a housecleaning in America ... just clear out those who aren't of any earthly use to this nation and let them live elsewhere. That's what so many threatened to do if George W. Bush won the past election and then, when he became president, failed to make good on their word.

Scotty, go get them and beam them up ... up... and away!

Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for Patch Work papers and a regular columnist to Ether Zone.

We invite you to visit her website at Flagship

Dorothy Anne Seese can be reached at

Published in the September 24, 2001 issue of Ether Zone. Copyright © 2001 Ether Zone ( Reposting permitted with this message intact.

We invite your comments on this article in our forum!

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001


Yeah! What she said.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

This woman is a blasphemer and a porno star. Of course she wants to live a long and happy life- she does not believe in the next life, where she will be held accountable for her actions when she dies, as we all must. The sobering quality of recent events has caused many people to reflect on those things, principles, and people they hold dear, and to form resolve to defend them as best they may. "Madonna" is an example of a true DGI, in all senses of the acronym. (doesn't get it.)

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

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