PCTIPS Stop Nimdagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
STOP NIMBA Protect your system from the this swiftly spreading worm. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.cuw.4.2o2.g0uNEW WORM SPREADS HAVOC Experts say Nimda worm is far more aggressive than Code Red and is already bringing sites down. http://r.pm0.net/s/c?j.cuw.12.2o9.g0u
Worm on the loose**********
There's a new worm reeking havoc and it's actually slowing down the Net. It's called Nimda. We have a whole article explaining it and what you can do to protect your system.
-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001
the Nimda (admin backwards) is coming as a .exe file. Best thing you can do if you don't have any anti-virus software is to not run any .exe file that you get in e-mail.It also is causing hell on network printers. If your printer starts to do some strange things, turn it off, turn your computer off and unplug from the internet.
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001