Boeing to lay off 31,000 : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Boeing plans to lay off 31,000 staff: report

Boeing is planning to lay off 20 to 30 per cent of its commercial airline work force - roughly 31,000 people - as a result of last week's terrorist attacks, a congressional source said.

The source, who spoke to Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said the company would make the announcement tomorrow.

The company would not be announcing specific locations for the layoffs, but was telling lawmakers they were expected to be implemented by early 2002.

A Boeing spokesman would not comment.

Roughly 93,000 people work for Boeing's commercial airline sector, much of which is centred around the company's former headquarters in Seattle.

The White House and Congress are considering a federal aid package for the airline industry to help it recover from last week's attacks.

The industry has asked for $US24 billion ($A48.46 billion). The House of Representatives floated a $US15 billion ($A30.28 billion) relief plan last Friday that could include $US2.5 billion ($A5.05 billion) in immediate grants and $US12.5 billion ($A25.24 billion) in loans and credits.

Though the White House and congressional leaders suggested a multi billion-dollar package was on the way, they weren't offering a final dollar figure or timetable for debate.

The administration of President George W Bush could propose an aid package next week, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said.

The House may move forward this week, when it returns from a recess for the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana.


-- The News (Is@Getting.Worse), September 18, 2001


This is gonna be rough on the migration patterns of those old *snowbirds* who can't drive...

-- dinosaur (, September 18, 2001.

Last one out of Seattle please turn out the lights

-- Lars (, September 19, 2001.

good. we don't need no mo stinkin chemtrails

-- (yo@mama.), September 19, 2001.

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