DRS. FOSTER & SMITH - Donate doggie boots

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Just caught a little story on one of our local news channels about this. Apparently, they sent 130 pairs of boots and FedEx, with a volunteer pilot, got them to NY for free. Y'all know I have a high regard for drsfostersmith.com, been dealing with them for about 15 years.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001


That is great news..people often don't realize what "service" dogs do for people.... and this will make they lives a bit easier.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

Some dogs earn the right to be carried

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

I remember hearing about the booties. Made me feel real good, until I tried telling co-workers about it. After that, I stopped discussing things with them.

Great picture, Git!

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

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