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Corner Sanding

Finishing drywall is always going to require a certain amount of sanding. The traditional method employs a sanding pole that is used to sand flat areas as well as corners. When using the sanding pole in corners it can, if not used carefully, sand a groove into the wall. Removing the thin strip of sandpaper that folds over the side of the sanding pad will help.

If you're doing a small, one-time drywall job, consider sanding sponges. These sponges have a grit coating that will go a long way when sanding drywall. Look for one that is made especially for corners.

- Stephen Corwin

Getting More Juice Out of Lemons Put lemons into hot water for 10 minutes before you try squeezing. It will be easier to get more juice!

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

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