the preps : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I was so thrilled over the bust that y2k turned out to be that I didn't spend much time paying attention to the preps. We ate most of it and gave a lot of it to people who needed it. I was worried about some of it causing disease if I had stored it improperly. I kept threatening to try it out. Then this war broke out. I had to try them.

I'll spare you the details, but when I was finally able to remain vertical for more than a minute at a time I had to do laundry. EVERYTHING hurts. Can't sit up for long. Can't stay awake. Waking up with more laundry to do. But I think I'll live.

The stupid thing is, I tried two items at once. After I recover, I have to pick one and try again to see which one caused this.

Prepping is good, but don't overdo it. TP will crumble with age if you don't rotate it. Newspaper can be used instead of leaves, and it's more compact to store. And edible stuff you stored by hand -- watch out.

love you guys

-- helen (hurling@high.rates), September 18, 2001


STOP IT HELEN U daMN dOOmer chIcKY!!!!!!!

Life will go on as usual.

-- (eYe @LoVe U. anyWAys.), September 18, 2001.

I opened a can of tuna purchased in 1999 (who knows whan it was canned?). It was not bulging but when opened it did not look or smell right so I chucked it. Still got several dozen cans of that vintage.

Best offer.

-- Lars (, September 18, 2001.

I still gots plenty o' terlet paper ta wipes my stinkin butt wit. Dats alls I cares about.

-- average dumbya voter (head up @ my. stinkin butt), September 19, 2001.

A buddy once told me he kept a condom in his car's glove compartment for several years. Finally the night came when he was in the situation to use it, and the ancient one in the glove compartment was the only one readily available.

As the act progressed, he said he was surprised that it "felt better and better" -- what happened was the thing disintegrated during use.

-- FuzzBuster (, September 19, 2001.

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