WATER-OMG, you won't believe this

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

(I posted this on TB2k as well...edited to remove a name that doesn't frequent these parts)

Just saw on the local news.... had doubts about posting this, but like Mrs just said, look, it was on LOCAL TEEVEE... post away, it just doesn't matter.

The local newsfolks went to the waterworks today, unannounced. Drove in, past the open gate that had a sign posted "Press button for access to entrance" (or somethin' like that)

Showed pic's of the rusted barbed-wire, that had FALLEN DOWN on the inside of the fence, and made a comment about a "10-year-old wouldn't be challenged" trying to get in, much less a terrorist.

Drove their happy a$$es all around. took closeups of the fuel storage tank, and a sulphuric acid tank nearby. After about FIFTEEN MINUTES, the electric gate closes.

They spoke to the Mayor, his comment was something like "Well, just because you can't SEE it doesn't mean we don't have safeguards in place."

I'd laugh, if it weren't so Goddamn STUPID. Holy $HIT!!!!! This guy (as well as others) have GOT TO GO!

Can't believe it? True. It's here, and in living color.

Got water, AND backup for it?

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001


GDD, it isn't just security, it is also that there has been a trend towards promoting fewer and fewer sources of public water supplies, and discouraging installation of private wells. That always struck me as a national security issue. I just hoped that debate would continue to be hypothetical.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

Yep. Our local reservoir and district waterworks is not far from here. It's surrounded by a beautiful new iron fence, very decorative, that might stop a Yugo--butnot somebody lobbing a box of something over it into the reservoir. The building itself is a 1920s number, just renovated with great sensitivity (looks REALLY good) and it backs up on to the local public golf course. Access would be pretty easy if you could shimmy up any one of a number of trees.

But, Dood, I'm not sure that "they" would go after the water. I have a feeling that most municipalities have either automatic or manual checking of water going on so that any additive would be detected almost immediately. Sure, it would be inconvenient not to have city water for a while, but alternative supplies could be brought in and not enough people would be killed.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

We have Rural Water here..I have been gleefully drinking water after it comes through the Pur water filter...thinking Rural meant a resavior inland. NOPE our water source is LAKE ERIE...Duh..blonde roots for sure.... Ignorance WAS bliss!

anyway, not 3 miles from us is a 5 acr man made resavior for the City 2 miles up the road....there are no fences, no security, there is a walking track, and a pet run...very Accessable

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

SHT! You can see ours from space, for crying out loud!


Not really. We use the aquifer, which is the fresh water river underground.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

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