It's Fair to : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Be honest: right now aren't you glad it is not President Gore and Vice-President Lieberman?Oh, and aren't you glad the DJIA did not fall 666 points today?
-- Unreel (, September 17, 2001
Honestly No.And it DID drop 666 points today, and continued downward.
-- Cherri (, September 17, 2001.
Cherri Burst Your Bubble: If the Dow ended at 666, well, maybe it would be significant Cherri. But it didn't, so whats your point?
-- (MOTB@666.beast), September 18, 2001.
I am being honest, and, NO, I would prefer that Gore be in office right now. If you are a Bush, paybacks are a bitch.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 18, 2001.
We can only count ourselves lucky that FS and Cherri are not in ANY position of leadership.
-- Remember (, September 18, 2001.
Gore is a Taliban sympathyzer. You can tell by the beard. Loyal Americans do not grow old-Testament beards. Under his Western clothes, he wears a robe.
-- (, September 18, 2001.