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Hart Warns of More Attacks, Says U.S. Not ReadyUpdated: Mon, Sep 17 10:30 AM EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Sen. Gary Hart, who helped draft a commission report on national security, warned on Monday that the United States remained vulnerable and ill-prepared for subsequent terror attacks.
"This is not the end, this is just the beginning. There will be other attacks on this country," Hart, who co-chaired a bipartisan commission that in January warned of a possible terror attack against the United States, told NBC's "Today."
"We do not have the luxury of time. I hope that our political leaders will now act as swiftly as they can," he said.
Hart urged rapid implementation of the panel's call for creation of a Cabinet-level agency to assume responsibility for defending the United States against possible attacks.
"The next attack will not be airliners. It will be chemical, biological or nuclear weapons in cities like Denver or Seattle or Nashville or cities like that," said Hart, a former Democratic senator from Colorado and one-time presidential candidate.
"Our commission found that we are not prepared for that eventuality," he said.
Military experts have said that not all extremist groups have the capability to carry out the range of devastating assaults the commission said are possible, and they placed no time limit on any potential attacks, adding that they could be launched in the near or distant future.
Vice President Dick Cheney is leading an administration working group to assess terrorist threats and is expected to report the findings to Congress by October 1.
Cheney and other top U.S. officials on Sunday warned that further terror attacks could be aimed at the United States, but the government was doing all it could to defend any further assault.
The United States, recognizing the seriousness of the bioterrorism threat, is producing small amounts of chemical and biological warfare agents, including one for a deadly new form of anthrax, in order to develop protection against them.
Hart noted that 1.3 million people, over 300,000 vehicles and thousands of shipments traversed U.S. borders each day, but the U.S. Customs Service was able to inspect only one or two percent of the border traffic.
The panel, which was co-chaired by former Sen. Warren Rudman and included independent military experts, released three reports since September 1999 identifying terrorism as the most urgent national security issue facing the United States.
The group's third and final report, released in January, recommended creation of a National Homeland Security Agency -- with a seat on the Cabinet -- and an overhaul of national security priorities.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
It was mentioned that Nuclear power plants were vulnerable. They were placed on alert across the country, I believe. I know they were a section of our sunday paper, there was a picture of the road [the ONLY road to Turkey Point Power Plant. Blocked by police cars and the security guards that work for FPL.
No one gets past them without good reason. I just hope the reason isn't a bullet.
The surrounding area is swamp, and populated by aligators. The bay is on the other side. I would hope they have something over there, too. It isn't deep water there. probably varies between 3-7 feet, with small areas as deep as 15.
I hope the nuke plants are protected all across the land. we really don't need that hassle.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
One of the reasons that nukes were featured during y2k (once Robert C. had us reassured) is that they were considered a more reliable source of power if the infrastructure fell apart. Doesn't seem like that theory would apply now.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
I heard some discussion on either msnbc or fox about the possibility of putting anti-aircraft guns at the nuclear plants. After the events of last Tuesday, sounds like a good idea to me. Saying that, I however do not feel that the next attacks will come in the form of aircraft.Sheeps
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001