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Want Bath Powder to Last Longer? If you love your favorite bath powder, extend its life by adding equal amounts of baking soda or cornstarch or baking powder to the good stuff.

Scant Sizing

It is common knowledge that a 2 x 4 does not measure two inches by four inches. This logic extends to plywood sizing as well. The thickness of a half-inch sheet of plywood typically measures about 15/32 inch. In the industry, this is referred to as "scant sizing."

Plywood must meet performance standards and manufacturers found that they could meet the standard for half-inch plywood with an actual dimension of 15/32 inch. In addition, a tolerance of 1/32 inch is allowed, so half-inch plywood can actually vary between 7/16 inch and 1/3 inch. While the difference in measurement doesn't cause any problems structurally, difficulties can arise when there is a transition between plywood and some other material that really is one-half inch.

Note: Scant sizing applies to all the common plywood thicknesses.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

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