wait a minutegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
A dear friend brought up an important point: if there are other attacks to be made by these terrorists, why weren't they made on the same day? This friend thinks they used everything they had -- if they had nukes, chemicals, or bio-weapons, they would've used them. What possible gain would they make by waiting until hardly anyone with dark hair can move around freely in this country? The best time to do it was before we were all forewarned and while the nation was still in a state of panic. This friend thinks that all they had were trained pilots and box knives, and they spent them all except for the ones who inexplicably ended up on a train in Texas. Period.
-- helen (youre@kidding.right), September 16, 2001
oh, okay. we're all safe now cause helen says so.
-- sleep_tight_tonight (what@moron.com), September 16, 2001.
Unless, helen, this was sort of a warning to abide by their demands, etc.What about the cells I keep hearing about? Are they urban legend?
Well anyway, I hope your friend is right.
-- (cin@cin.cin), September 16, 2001.
The cells are real. They have been a form used for hundreds of years by many different organizations. Not necessarily for bad, I believe there were some used in the fight against the natzi's. The purpose is that one cell has no clue who is in another so they cannot give information and betray the oth ones.Each cell would have their own agenda. If what I understand is true, these people were recruited a long time ago and sent out to make their way into American society until it was time for them to do the job they had been designated to do or had chosen to do. There cound very well be many other cells unknown to this one who are working on their own, different attack, with it's own, different timetable. There is a possibility that their own agenda is getting sped up, or postponed because of the sudden national attention on them. We have no way to know in the past decade how many cells have been set up and are sleeping around us. The probalem is, only they know...it is in their minds and they may never give any clues.
-- Cherri (jessam6@home.com), September 16, 2001.
I can't claim to know how a terrorist thinks but it may be possible that the second wave (consistent with bin Laden's reported propensity for one-two punches) would come when the American people are emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted but ready to valiantly carry-on with a wary but hopeful sense of security. In other words - SOON. Better to hit us again while we're on the ground and trying to stand up then let us catch our second wind. Better to hit us again rather than wait until we can coordinate a reasonable defense.
-- Just (Guessing@WhoKnows.com), September 17, 2001.
I hate too think it, but i,m afraid the next whack will be BIO. so e-z too do. as for me,I,M avoiding crowds.know what I mean? I thank GOD we are way out in the desert--if you need too get out of big city--we have some space. you,ll need a camper tho!! of course I realize--nukes will poison the air. oh DEAR GOD,, you said these days would come-you warned & warned.******come LORD JESUS****
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 17, 2001.
Why use 19 guys willing to die when one guy willing to die could have used a different weapon and killed as many or more? They took their best shot first. Now we're forewarned and forearmed. If anything, we're pulling together more and stronger for it. What good sense reason would anyone engaging in war have for pulling the worst punch? Did David take a practice shot at Goliath's knees?We can cripple ourselves by worrying excessively about another attack. The gov is doing everything possible to safeguard our infrastructure, which is a prudent thing, but the worst strike on our soil may have already been made.
-- helen (bunkers@are.too.dark), September 17, 2001.
Keep in mind the location of Afghanistan. It shares a border with Pakistan, which if you remember is a NUCLEAR power now. There are a lot of sympathizers to the Islamic extremist cause in Pakistan. In fact the meeting that the Pakistani government had this morning with the Taliban caused open rioting in the streets of Pakistan. The good thing here is that the Pakistani have crude nuclear weapons and these are large in size; not easy for a terrorist to smuggle into the country. But, if they get their hands on one of Russia's missing suitcase bombs...This is just an ugly no win situation IMO...
scratchin' an itch...
The Dog
-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), September 17, 2001.
how many wars can we fight at 1 time???? if the dragon is a symbol of satan. just a wonderin,what china is thinking???
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 17, 2001.
Helen, terrorism means just that. Inflicting terror. Creating fear. I believe they are waiting to see what our next move is. If we attack in Afghanistan, be ready for the next wave. There are more of them, you can count on it.
-- Pammy (pamela_sue57@hotmail.com), September 17, 2001.